Lucas 11:21,22
Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon
Lucas 11:21. When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: but when a stronger than he shall come upon him and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.
THE miracles wrought by our Lord were too manifest to be denied even by his most inveterate enemies. Some however endeavoured to evade the force of them by ascribing them to a confederacy with Satan. Our Lord shewed them the absurdity of such an idea. The expelling of evil spirits was a confirmation of our Lord’s doctrine; consequently it tended to the destruction of Satan’s kingdom, and the establishment of his own. This Satan could not but be aware of; he would therefore never concur in an act which must terminate in his own ruin. Hence it appeared that the power which Jesus exercised over the evil spirits, was not only without the concurrence of Beelzebub, but in spite of his utmost exertions to withstand it. To illustrate this truth our Lord delivered the parable before us.
Extreme caution should be used in explaining the parables, that we refine not upon them too much, nor give to any part a sense which it was not designed to bear. But some parables were certainly intended to be minutely applied in all their parts [Note: Mateus 13:18; Mateus 13:36.]. That which is now before us seems to be of that number; we shall therefore open it in a way of familiar exposition.
Satan is fitly compared to a strong man armed—
[The strength and power of Satan are frequently mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. His very names, Apollyon [Note: Apocalipse 9:11.], the great Dragon [Note: Apocalipse 12:7.], and the god of this world [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:4.], evidently characterize him as possessed of exceeding great power. As an angel, he excelled in strength [Note: Salmos 103:20.]; nor, though he has lost his original purity, has his native energy been at all impaired. He is rendered more formidable too by “his armour.” Alas! what fiery darts has he in his quiver [Note: Efésios 6:16.]! With what inconceivable subtlety does he plan his seasons and methods of assault [Note: 2 Coríntios 11:3.Efésios 6:11.]! Nor can he have so long engaged in this warfare, without having learned much by experience.]
The hearts of unregenerate men are “his palace”—
[He has the most intimate access to the hearts of men: he entered into the heart of Judas, and prompted him to betray his Lord [Note: João 13:27.]. By the same invisible agency he urged Ananias and Sapphira to lie unto the Holy Ghost [Note: Atos 5:3.]. In the same manner he stimulates all his vassals to the commission of sin: he rules within them as a monarch [Note: Efésios 2:2.], and lords it over them with most despotic sway [Note: 2 Timóteo 2:26.]. Every apartment of the palace is occupied by his attendants: the understanding, the will, the affections, the memory, the conscience, are all under his controul. If seven spirits only possess some, Legion is the name of others [Note: Lucas 11:26. with 8:30.]
While he takes up his abode in them, he keeps all in peace—
[One would think that a soul possessed by him should be filled with horror; but he contrives to divert the thoughts of men from all their spiritual concerns: he blinds their minds so that they cannot see their real state: he fills them with a presumptuous confidence that they shall do well at last [Note: Compare 1 Reis 22:22. with Jeremias 6:14.]. Perhaps he makes them laugh at the idea of Satanic influence. He suggests that God is too merciful to inflict eternal punishment, and that all apprehensions of divine wrath are the effects of superstition or enthusiasm. If at any time they are impressed by the word of God, he catches it away, lest they should believe it and be saved [Note: Lucas 8:12.]. Thus he continually deceives his vassals, and lulls them asleep in a most fatal security.]
There is One however, even Jesus, who is stronger than he—
[Satan indeed is a roaring lion: but Jesus is the all-powerful Lion of the tribe of Judah [Note: Apocalipse 5:5.]. Satan is the serpent that bruised the heel of Jesus: but Jesus is the woman’s seed that effectually bruised his head [Note: Gênesis 3:15.]. Jesus vanquished him in repeated combats [Note: Mateus 4:10; João 14:30; João 16:11.], and at last triumphed over him upon the cross [Note: Colossenses 2:15.]: yea, and led him captive in his resurrection and ascension [Note: Efésios 4:8.]: nor does he exercise less power in his people than he then did for them [Note: 1 João 4:4.]. His grace is sufficient to fortify us against the fiercest assaults of Satan [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:7.]: nor shall the weakness of his people counteract or retard his career of victory [Note: Apocalipse 6:2.]
Nor can Satan any longer retain his hold when Jesus comes to eject him—
[Satan strove indeed to the utmost to keep possession of the bodies of men; nor relinquished them at last without the most strenuous efforts to destroy them [Note: Marcos 9:20; Marcos 9:26.]. Thus will he maintain a conflict with Jesus in their souls. If he be driven from the outworks, he will defend himself in the citadel. Sometimes he may appear for a season to defy Omnipotence itself; but in due season he is invariably overcome. His strong holds, one after another, are demolished [Note: 2 Coríntios 10:5.], and he is constrained to surrender the palace which he can no longer keep.]
Jesus, having driven him from the soul, will turn all its powers against him—
[A sinner, while under Satan’s dominion, has many things which prove serviceable to that wicked fiend: his wisdom, riches, influence, are all pressed into the service of the devil; all are used to strengthen his power, and to undermine the authority of Christ. But when Jesus has gained possession of a soul, he instantly secures all its powers, and turns the artillery of Satan against himself: whatever wealth or influence the man possessed, is now made subservient to the Redeemer’s interests: the gold of Egypt is formed into vessels for the sanctuary of the Lord; and every talent is improved in promoting and establishing his kingdom [Note: 2 Coríntios 10:5.]. Thus does Jesus drive Satan from his fortress [Note: 1 João 5:18.], and enable the once captive soul to trample on him as a vanquished enemy [Note: Romanos 16:20.]
From the parable thus explained we may learn—
What true conversion is—
[Conversion does not consist merely in a change of sentiment: it supposes that our false peace has been broken, and that Satan has been made to yield to the victorious grace of Jesus. Jesus himself too is now become the sole monarch of our hearts, and we are cordially serving him with all our power. Let us try ourselves by this touchstone: let us see whether we be indeed new creatures: nor let us rest till we be turned from the power of Satan unto God [Note: Atos 26:18.]
2. Whence it is that any are converted—
[Men are in themselves the willing slaves of Satan: so far from desiring deliverance from him, they fight against their deliverer. Most assuredly therefore they are not the authors of their own conversion. It is Jesus alone who chooses the objects of his favour: it is he alone who begins and carries on the good work within them [Note: Zacarias 4:9; Hebreus 12:2.]. To him therefore must every redeemed soul ascribe the glory [Note: Zacarias 4:7.]. None can boast as if they had effected any thing by their own power [Note: 1 Coríntios 4:7.]: nor need any despair as though their bonds could never be broken. To every one, who wishes to be made free, there is abundant encouragement in the Scriptures [Note: Isaías 49:24.]. May our eyes be so directed to Jesus that his power may be magnified in our deliverance [Note: Isaías 45:22.]!]
3. What is the duty of those who are converted—
[As Satan never leaves a soul without reluctance, so does he ever watch for an opportunity to return to it: nor will he fail of accomplishing his purpose, if our hearts be not guarded by the Lord Jesus. Let none then be satisfied with purging out only some grosser sins [Note: 2 Pedro 1:9.]. In vain will the house be swept and garnished, if it be not occupied by the Divine inhabitant. Satan will return with seven devils worse than himself; and the last state of such men will be worse than the first [Note: ver. 25, 26.]. Let all then be on their guard, and commit the keeping of their souls to Jesus [Note: 1 Pedro 4:19.]. Then shall all the attempts of their enemy be baffled. He who never slumbers will surely preserve them [Note: Salmos 121:4.], and they shall be made the habitation of God to all eternity [Note: Efésios 2:22.]. What we say therefore to one, we say unto all, Watch [Note: Marcos 13:37.]]