Daniel 6:10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Daniel 6:10. Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house, and, his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime.

SUCH is the hatred which ungodly men bear to real piety, that it is not possible to serve our God aright without incurring their displeasure. Neither eminence in station, nor prudence of conduct, will screen us from the assaults of their envy and malice. If any thing could have secured the favour of mankind, the wise and benevolent deportment of Jesus must have gained him universal approbation. But he was as much distinguished by the virulence of men’s hatred, as he was by the unrivalled excellence of his own character.
Of all the persons whose history is recorded in the Old Testament, we know not one who surpassed Daniel in wisdom, in integrity, or in a firm adherence to practical religion. His bitterest enemies, who were very desirous of finding in him some fault or error, were constrained to acknowledge, that they should not be able to attain their wishes, unless they should find it concerning the law of his God. Would one not have thought, that a person who could conduct the affairs of a large empire with such skill, as that no error could be imputed to him; and whose piety was so consistent, that not the smallest flaw could be found in his whole conduct, should be universally beloved? Yet, so far was he from being an object of universal regard, that a conspiracy was formed against him by all the great men of the kingdom, and a law was framed, that rendered it criminal to pray unto his God. By this law he had no alternative, but to violate the law and incur its penalties, or to violate his conscience and offend his God.
Daniel, without hesitation, chose the better part: and, “when he knew that the writing (which doomed him to the den of lions) was signed,” he openly worshipped God, precisely as he had done aforetime.
To encourage all who are oppressed and persecuted, to follow his example, we shall,

I. Make some remarks on his conduct—

[It might be said of Daniel continually, “Behold, he prayeth!” — — — But why, in praying, did he look “towards Jerusalem?” Canaan was the land, Jerusalem the city, and the temple the house, in which God more particularly dwelt. And at the dedication of the temple, Solomon repeatedly entreated that God would hear the supplications of his people which should be offered towards that land, that city, that temple [Note: 1 Reis 8:29; 1 Reis 8:35; 1 Reis 8:38; 1 Reis 8:42; 1 Reis 8:44, but especially 46–50, which specifies what was to be done in a state of captivity, as Daniel now was.]. This had been before practised by David [Note: Salmos 5:7.], as it was afterwards by Jonah when at the bottom of the sea [Note: João 2:4.]: and it may be considered as a typical ordinance, directing us to pray unto God, as our covenant-God in Christ, as dwelling with man, yea, as dwelling in our very nature [Note: João 1:14. ἐσκήνωσεν suggests the precise idea, which the type was intended to convey.]; even to Him, “in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily [Note: Colossenses 2:9.].”

In this manner he prayed “three times a day.” It seems to have been the habit of all pious Jews to observe stated seasons of worship three times a day. David practised it in his day [Note: Salmos 55:17.]: and in the Apostolic age the practice was continued [Note: Atos 2:2; Atos 2:15; Atos 3:1; Atos 10:9. The third, sixth, and ninth hours answered to nine, twelve, and three with us.]. One would have thought that a person who had so much secular business upon his hands as Daniel had, should have found it almost impossible to maintain such a practice with any degree of regularity, or indeed with any spirituality of mind: but, if the heart be thoroughly imbued with Divine grace, it will be found neither difficult nor irksome to lift it up to God in prayer, even in the midst of the most urgent business.

Nor was Daniel inattentive to his posture in prayer: “he kneeled upon his knees and prayed.” We do not say that this posture is indispensably necessary to the acceptance of our prayers; because we find instances in Scripture of persons standing when they prayed: but it is sanctioned by the example of the most eminent saints [Note: Thus did David; Salmos 95:6. Solomon; 2 Crônicas 6:13.Esdras 9:5. Stephen; Atos 7:60. Peter; 9:40. Paul; 20:36. a large assembly on the sea shore; 21:5.], and even by our blessed Lord himself [Note: Lucas 22:44.]. As for the idle slothful posture of sitting during the time of prayer (as is the habit of too many), we do not hesitate to say, that it is most irreverent, unscriptural, and offensive. But what shall we say to those who defer their prayers till they have lain down in their beds, and then offer some petitions, in the midst of which they fall asleep? Surely it is scarcely needful to tell them what acceptance such services must meet with: they may account it a mercy, if their solemn mockery of God be not visited with some signal judgments: to hope for any favourable answer to such prayers, were folly and impiety. Daniel would not yield to such indolent habits, though he was above ninety years of age; because he knew that the deepest prostration of body should accompany the devotions of the soul, and that nothing but extreme weakness could justify us in dispensing with it.

With all his prayers, Daniel offered also a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving: “he prayed and gave thanks.” This argued the sincerity of his heart. They can feel but little gratitude to God, who do not acknowledge the mercies they have received, as well as ask for the continuance and increase of them. The direction given us by God himself is, “that in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving we should make our requests known to him [Note: Filipenses 4:6.]:” yea, it is his express will and command that we should abound in thanksgiving as much, and as constantly, as in prayer itself [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:16.].

Perhaps it may surprise us, that Daniel offered these his devotions always “with his windows open.” Was this from ostentation? Was Daniel like those Pharisees who “prayed standing in the corners of the streets, that they might be seen and admired of men?” No: Daniel was in a heathen land, where the established religion was idolatry; and where Jehovah was not worshipped or acknowledged. He therefore felt it incumbent on him to let it be universally known, that he was a worshipper of the one true God: he wished to be a witness for God, and against idolatry; and to lead men, by his example, to inquire after the God of the Hebrews, in whom alone they could obtain peace and salvation. And though this habit rendered him singular, and excited the odium of his ungodly neighbours, “he endured the cross, and despised the shame,” and persevered in the performance of his duty without any regard to the opinions of men.
The most extraordinary thing is, that Daniel persisted in this habit “when he knew that the writing was signed.” The writing was the law which had been recently enacted, condemning to the den of lions every person, who, for the space of thirty days, should presume to ask any petition of any God or man, except of the king only. This writing was signed by the king; and the law was thereby rendered (according to the absurd custom of the Medes and Persians) unchangeable. But this could not deter Daniel from serving God, or induce him for one moment to chagne his mode of serving him. He was willing to die for the Lord’s sake; and was determined to suffer all the penalties of the law rather than violate his duty to his God.]
But as there are various other modes in which Daniel might have proceeded, we shall consider his conduct more minutely, and,


State the reasons of it—

Daniel persisted in this open acknowledgment of Jehovah,

1. From a sense of duty—

[He knew that it was his duty to pray unto his God, and to confess him before men. Had the laws of the realm enjoined nothing contrary to the laws of God, he would have felt it his duty to comply with them: “he would have obeyed every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake.” But when man took upon him to supersede the laws of God, he felt that he had a paramount obligation to serve the Lord. In this respect he resembled the holy Apostles, when they were forbidden to preach in the name of Christ: they answered the magistrates who laid a similar injunction on them, “Whether it be right to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye: for we cannot but speak the things which we have heard and seen [Note: Atos 4:19.]:” “we must obey God rather than men [Note: Atos 5:28.].”]

2. From a regard for God’s honour—

[We will suppose that Daniel had withdrawn from his place of abode, or shut his window and contented himself with worshipping God in secret; he might still have performed his duty as far as respected the mere act of prayer: but what would have been the consequence with respect to God’s honour? Would not the framers of the Law have boasted, that they had triumphed over Jehovah; that they had set up a god superior to him; and that his most devoted servant dared not to confess him? Would they not have said, that the worshippers of Jehovah were as devoid of principle as any other people in the world; for that, with all their professed regard for him, they did not believe him able to rescue or support them; and that they loved their own safety in preference to their God? No doubt, they would have gloried thus, and have despised both Jehovah and all his servants. But would Daniel give occasion for such profane triumph? He abhorred the thought; and therefore he would not relax, or intermit so much as once, his accustomed mode of worship. Similar to his was the conduct of Nehemiah, when Sanballat and Tobiah wanted to intimidate him, and to lead him into an act which should betray a want of confidence in his God: “Shall such a man as I flee? said he: and who is there, that being as I am, would go into the temple to save his life? I will not go in [Note: Neemias 6:10.].” Thus, whatever specious arguments might have suggested themselves to him for the preservation of his life, Daniel determined to die rather than dishonour God; being anxious only that “God should be magnified in his body, whether it were by life or by death [Note: Filipenses 1:20.].”]

3. For the encouragement of his own people—

[Suppose that Daniel had not thus openly maintained his steadfastness, what would all the rest of his captive brethren have done? Would not they have caught the infection? would not they have dissembled with him, just as Barnabas and others were led away with Peter’s dissimulation [Note: Gálatas 2:12.]? It would have been to little purpose that he prayed in secret, if he had been so shamefully regardless of the influence of his example. On the other hand, by boldly confessing his God before men, and offering himself up as a sacrifice for him, the rest of his nation must be emboldened to maintain a similar fidelity, and to brave all the threatenings of their idolatrous oppressors. This was the effect produced by Paul’s submission to bonds and imprisonment for the Gospel’s sake: “Many of the brethren in the Lord waxing confident by his bonds, were much more bold to preach the word without fear [Note: Filipenses 1:14.].” Daniel, being at the head of the kingdom, knew the vast importance of his example; and therefore on this account, as well as for the foregoing reasons, “would not give place, no, not for an hour [Note: Gálatas 2:5.]:” yea, we doubt not but that in offering himself upon the sacrifice and service of his people’s faith, he joyed and rejoiced with them all; and (in his heart) called on them to joy and rejoice with him [Note: Filipenses 2:17.]


Those who live in the neglect of prayer—

[We see in the example of Daniel how a child of God will act: he will pray with frequency, with fervour, with an especial regard to God as his Covenant-God in Christ Jesus: and he will confess his God openly, determining to die for him rather than deny him [Note: Atos 20:24; Atos 21:13.]. Now what resemblance have you to Daniel? He could not be kept from prayer; you cannot be prevailed on to pray: he could not be kept from prayer, though he knew that, for continuing it, he should be cast into the den of lions; and you cannot be prevailed on to pray, though your neglect of it will infallibly bring you into the depths of hell. Not all the terrors of death could induce him to omit so much as one single opportunity of praying; and not all the terrors of damnation can instigate you to pray even once with real fervour and devotion. Only ask yourselves, How often have you prayed like Daniel? how often in the day? in the week? in the year? how often even in your whole life? This question will give you an insight into your state before God. O that it may be the means of bringing you to his footstool, and of forming in you those habits which are altogether necessary to your salvation.]

2. Those who are habituated to serve their God—

[Be not surprised if you are called to suffer for righteousness’ sake, “nor think it strange if you be tried with a fiery trial.” Should this be the case, we congratulate you upon the honour conferred upon you; and we exhort you to “rejoice and leap for joy; for so persecuted they the prophets that were before you [Note: Mateus 5:11.].” Our Lord’s direction is, “Be not afraid of man, who can only kill the body; but fear Him who can cast both body and soul into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear Him.”

But while we exhort you to “be faithful unto death,” and, like Daniel, to withstand all the powers of earth and hell, we would particularly entreat you to imitate his spirit. In the first place, let your enemies “find nothing against you, except concerning the law of God.” In the next place, conduct yourselves with meekness under your sufferings. You read not of his exciting clamour and rebellion in the state, but of his submitting patiently to the cruelty of his oppressors. We mean not to condemn such an opposition to tyranny, as the law itself admits; but such as is unconstitutional, turbulent, and factious: and we cannot but recommend a cheerful submission to persecution, as, on the whole, most profitable to ourselves, and most honourable to our God [Note: 1 Coríntios 4:12.]. Indeed, when suffering for righteousness’ sake, we may expect extraordinary interpositions for our deliverance or support, and may hope to win those who have been the authors of all our troubles [Note: See a most encouraging and well-authenticated instance in Benson’s Life of Mr. Fletcher, p. 309. first edition.]

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