Atos 2:32,33

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 2:32. This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore, being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.

MARVELLOUS, beyond conception, was the miracle wrought on the day of Pentecost; when a company of illiterate fishermen were enabled, in one moment, to speak a great diversity of languages, with as much ease and fluency and propriety as their own native tongue. Some, who were of a more than ordinary profane character, when they heard foreigners of different nations addressed in languages which they themselves could not understand, said, that the Apostles were drunk with new wine. But the Apostle Peter, repelling the accusation as both unmerited and absurd, shewed that this very miracle had been foretold, as ordained to mark the days of the Messiah, and as intended to introduce that new dispensation to which the descendants of Abraham had looked forward for two thousand years. That we may see the full scope of his argument, I will shew,

I. In what light we should view the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit—

This stupendous miracle had an especial respect to the Lord Jesus Christ,

1. As an evidence of his mission—

[It had been foretold by the Prophet Joel, whose words are cited by the Apostle Peter, and declared to have been accomplished in that event [Note: Compare Joel 2:28. with Atos 2:16.]. The testimony of the Apostles, relative to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, on which all his claims to the Messiahship were founded, might be supposed to have been the result of a deep-laid plot: but, in the miraculous powers imparted, there could be no conspiracy; since persons of all the different nations then present at Jerusalem could not but attest the truth of the miracle then wrought. Of this the most inveterate enemies were made the judges: and therefore, if they were convinced by it, even three thousand of them in one single hour, we may be sure that the evidence was clear and irresistible. If “by his resurrection from the dead, the Lord Jesus was proved to be the Son of God with power,” much more was he by his visible ascension to heaven, and his sending forth of the Holy Spirit according to his word.]

2. As the reward of his sufferings—

[The Father had engaged in covenant with the Lord Jesus, that if he would “make his soul an offering for sin, he should see a seed who should prolong their days, and the pleasure of the Lord should prosper in his hands: yea, that he should see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied [Note: Isaías 53:10.].” And now this promise was fulfilled. By the sending down of the Holy Spirit, the recompence was accorded to him: “the great were divided to him for a portion, and the strong for a spoil, because he had poured out his soul unto death, and been numbered with transgressors, and borne the sins of many, and made intercession for transgressors [Note: Isaías 53:12.].” It was in the prospect of this that he had “endured the cross, and despised the shame, and had sat down at the right hand of the throne of God [Note: Hebreus 12:2];” it had been declared unto him, that “he should receive gifts for men, even for the rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell among them:” and his being empowered to “confer these gifts” was, on the Father’s part, a fulfilment of the engagement he had entered into [Note: Compare Salmos 68:18. with Efésios 4:8; and mark the distinction between “received” and “gave.”], and a bestowment of “the benefits which he had purchased with his own blood [Note: Atos 20:28.].”]

3. As the pledge and earnest of his glory—

[“The prophets, speaking by the Spirit of Christ, had from the beginning testified respecting the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow [Note: 1 Pedro 1:10.].” Now, this sending forth of the Holy Spirit was the commencement of the Saviour’s glory, both amongst Jews and Gentiles [Note: Atos 11:15.]: and to this had John the Baptist and our Lord himself referred, as the pledge and earnest of his triumphs [Note: Mateus 3:11.Atos 1:4.]. Our blessed Lord, previous to his ascension, had taught his Disciples to expect this: but it was not till the renewal of this miracle to the Gentile converts, six years afterwards, that Peter recollected his words; and then they were brought most forcibly to his remembrance: “Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost [Note: Atos 11:16.].” In all subsequent effusions of the Holy Spirit has the glory of Christ been advancing, even unto this time [Note: João 16:14.]; and by this, at a future period, will his kingdom be extended over the face of the whole earth: “when the Spirit will be poured out from on high, the wilderness shall become a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest [Note: Isaías 32:15.].” The request for that effusion of the Spirit needs only to be made by him; and “the heathen shall instantly be given to him for an inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for his possession [Note: Salmos 2:8.].”]

Nor is this a mere speculative subject. It has a great practical tendency; as will be seen, whilst I shew,


What we may learn from it—

Some idea may be formed of the immense importance of this subject, by the mention of two things only, to which I will confine your attention. We may see, then, from hence,

1. What we ourselves, if we believe in Christ, may expect—

[Our blessed Lord, in the days of his flesh, stood in a place of public concourse, and cried, “If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink; and out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. This spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe in him should receive [Note: João 7:37.].” True, in his miraculous powers we are no longer to hope for the Holy Spirit’s operations: but, as our Teacher, our Comforter, our Sanctifier, we may expect his influences now, no less than in the apostolic age: for the Lord has promised, saying, “Lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world [Note: Mateus 28:20.].” See his discourses just previous to his departure from this world, how full they are of this subject [Note: João 14:16; João 14:26; João 15:26; João 16:7.] — — — And what assurance he has given us that we shall not seek the Spirit’s influence in vain [Note: Lucas 11:13.]. To every one of you, then, I say, Enlarge your expectations, to the full extent of your necessities: for God the Father will save you by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost, which he will shed forth on you abundantly, through Jesus Christ our Saviour [Note: Tito 3:4.]. Indeed I must not content myself with saying that this great gift shall be vouchsafed unto you, if you will believe in Christ; for it is the express declaration of Almighty God, that, “if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his [Note: Romanos 8:9.].”]

2. In what respects we may ourselves confirm the testimony here given—

[The Apostles, on the day of Pentecost, were witnesses for Christ, not only in a way of oral testimony, but especially in the miraculous powers which they exercised. And though these miraculous powers have ceased, yet are there spiritual influences, by which the agency of the Holy Spirit is no less displayed. What if we saw, “in the whole valley of vision, the dead bones resume their former vitality, and rise upon the earth a large army,” would that not display the operation of a divine power [Note: Ezequiel 37:1.]? Behold, such a witness for the Lord is every soul that is “quickened from its death in trespasses and sins [Note: Efésios 2:1.].” Not less power is exerted in the recovery of every apostate soul, than in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and his investiture with divine authority over all the principalities and powers both of heaven and hell [Note: Efésios 1:19.]. Be ye then, my brethren, witnesses for the Lord, by shewing forth the power of his grace [Note: 1 Pedro 2:9.], and bringing forth in rich abundance the fruits of his Spirit [Note: Gálatas 5:22.]. Especially bear about in you a resemblance to the Lord Jesus Christ, in all his holy tempers and dispositions under his unparalleled afflictions; and then “the life of that blessed Saviour will be made manifest in your bodies [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:11.]”. Be ye “planted in the likeness of his death and resurrection;” and ye will be witnesses for him, that he is possessed of all power in heaven and in earth, and that in due season every enemy shall be put under his feet.]

Veja mais explicações de Atos 2:32,33


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