Apocalipse 2:18-19

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Apocalipse 2:18. Unto the angel of the Church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; I know thy works.

THE similarity of method which is observed in all the epistles to the seven Churches of Asia Minor renders it difficult to diversify, in any great degree, our mode of treating the subjects contained in them. But, indeed, we need not be anxious about this matter; for the subjects themselves are greatly diversified; so that, though our mode of treating them may have an appearance of sameness, the sameness will be in appearance only, and not real. We have now to consider the character of our blessed Lord in a different point of view from any in which we have seen it before: and in our investigation of this we cannot be too particular. Let us then notice,

I. The description here given of our blessed Lord—

It is, as all the other descriptions are, suited to the subject of the epistle itself; in which is declared our Lord’s perfect knowledge of the state of every individual in that Church, and his fixed determination to give to every one of them according to his works. In the words which have been read, are set forth,

1. His greatness—

[In the description contained in the first chapter, from whence all the detached parts of our Lord’s character are taken, he is said to be “like unto the Son of Man [Note: Apocalipse 1:13.]:” but here he is called expressly “The Son of God.” In the former description, his humanity is more particularly referred to; in the latter, his divinity. Not that these are always kept distinct in the inspired volume: for the name, “Son of Man,” was used as equivalent with “the Son of God;” and was actually so understood by the Jews themselves, who took occasion, from his calling himself “the Son of Man,” to accuse him of blasphemy, for representing himself as the Son of God [Note: Mateus 26:63.], and of thereby professing himself to be “equal with God [Note: João 5:17; João 10:33.].” St. Paul combines the two, and shews us clearly in what sense we are to understand the title here given to our blessed Lord: it declares him to be God, equal with the Father: for “being from all eternity in the form of God, he thought it not robbery to be equal with God; but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross [Note: Filipenses 2:6.].” By this name, “The Son of God,” his advent had been predicted [Note: Salmos 2:7.]: by this name he had been repeatedly saluted by a voice from heaven [Note: Mateus 3:17; Mateus 17:5.]: by this name had he been acknowledged by his most favoured servants [Note: João 1:49.]: and, even in the very article of death, by the man who superintended his execution [Note: Mateus 27:54.]. And, when his Gospel was preached by his Apostles, this acknowledgment of his divinity was demanded of all who embraced his religion, and was deemed by them a satisfactory proof of a man’s conversion to God [Note: João 8:37.]. Let us then understand, by the title here given him, that, though “he was a child born, and a son given, he was indeed the Mighty God [Note: Isaías 9:6.],” even “God over all, blessed for evermore [Note: Romanos 9:5.].”]

2. His penetration—

[“He has eyes like unto a flame of fire.” The power of fire, to penetrate the hardest substances, and to identify itself, as it were, with metals, so that not an atom of brass or iron, when subjected to its action, shall escape its all-pervading power, is well-known. The power of flame also, when employed in scientific experiments, is well known, insomuch that it will reduce even diamonds to a cinder. This image, therefore, well illustrates the all-penetrating, all-discerning eye of Jesus, whom not a thought that comes into our hearts [Note: Ezequiel 11:5.], nor “an imagination of a thought,” can ever escape [Note: Gênesis 6:5.]. Very striking is the representation which St. Paul gives us of this, in the Epistle to the Hebrews: “There is not any creature which is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened before the eyes of Him with whom we have to do [Note: Hebreus 4:13. Sec the Greek.].” The sacrifices, previously to their being offered upon the altar, were not only examined outwardly, but were flayed, and then cut down the back-bone, so that all the inwards might be exposed to view, and every part be inspected with the greatest care, to see that they were perfectly free from blemish of any kind: and such is the view which the Lord Jesus Christ has of every soul. “The darkness is no darkness with him; but the night is as clear as the day.” We may conceal matters from our fellow-creatures: yea, and much may be hid also from ourselves: but from him is nothing hidden, either as to its existence, or to its real character: the sun itself, at noon-day, is not more clearly visible to us, than are the inmost recesses of our souls to him.]

3. His power—

[“His feet are like fine brass.” By this I understand his unchanging firmness, in every thing that he has decreed; and his irresistible power to execute his designs, whether it be for the salvation of his people, or for the destruction of his enemies. All his determinations, as revealed in his word, shall assuredly be carried into effect. The whole universe shall never move him from his purpose. Let a believer trust in him; and all the powers of darkness “shall never be able to pluck him out of his hands.” Let an enemy persist in his rebellion against him, he shall soon find what” a fearful thing it is to fall into the hands of the living God.” In the first chapter it is said, “His feet are like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace [Note: Apocalipse 1:14.]:” yes, they will not only tread down his enemies, but utterly consume all who dare to contend with him. He tells us, in this epistle, that he will give to his victorious people “power over the nations, to rule them with a rod of iron, and to break them in pieces as a potter’s vessel [Note: ver. 26, 27.]:” and he shews us, in the description here given of him, that he is fully able to confer on them the promised benefit, and to make every one of them as victorious as he himself has been.]

But the character of our Lord is not a subject for speculation only: no; in every particular we should consider,


The improvement to be made of it—

1. Let us admire his condescension—

[This epistle, though addressed to Thyatira, is designed for every Church under heaven, and for every individual in the Church, so far as the particular expressions of it are applicable to him. And amazing is that condescension, which has induced Almighty God so to remember us, and so to consult our welfare! If the Psalmist says, “Lord, what is man, that thou art mindful of him; or the son of man, that thou visitest him [Note: Salmos 8:4.]?” how justly may we exclaim, “Lord, what are we, that thou shouldest dictate to thy servant John a letter unto us, a letter for our instruction, a letter for our benefit?’ If but an earthly monarch had honoured us in this way, we should have accounted it a marvellous condescension: but, O! what is it to be so honoured and so regarded by the God of heaven and earth! How should we value these epistles! how should we study them! how should we treasure up in our hearts the inestimable truths contained in them! Remember, I pray you, brethren, that it is “the Son of God” himself who has sent you this epistle; and prepare to receive every suggestion contained in it, as bearing the impress of his authority, and an expression of his love: and treasure up every word of it, not in your cabinet, as a curiosity to be admired, but in your inmost souls, as a record to be obeyed.]

2. Let us maintain integrity before him—

[He tells us, that “he requireth truth in our inward parts [Note: Salmos 51:6.]:” and we maybe well assured that the smallest measure of “partiality or hypocrisy” will be discovered by him [Note: Tiago 3:17.]. In this epistle he tells us, that “all the Churches shall know that it is He who searcheth the reins and trieth the hearts [Note: ver. 23.].” At the last day, especially, “he will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the hearts [Note: 1 Coríntios 4:5.].” Yes, “every secret thing shall he bring forth into judgment, whether it be good or evil [Note: Romanos 2:16; Eclesiastes 12:14.].” See, then, that there be in you no undue bias, no secret lust: but let him be able to testify of you, that you are “Israelites indeed, and without guile [Note: João 1:47.].” And if you are not conscious of any allowed evil, be not too confident that you are really blameless in his sight; but say with the holy Apostle, “I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but He that judgeth me is the Lord [Note: 1 Coríntios 4:3.].”]

3. Let us confide in him for all needful support—

[Whom did he ever deliver up into the hands of their enemies? Are we not told, that “his name is a strong tower; and that the righteous runneth to it, and is safe?” The same idea that is contained in our text, is conveyed also in those words, “He is a wall of fire round about us, and the glory in the midst of us [Note: Zacarias 2:5.].” “A wall of fire” will not only protect those who are enclosed by it, but will destroy also their assailants. So will Christ do, with his feet like fine brass just taken out of the furnace. Fear not, then, the assaults either of men or devils; but confide in him, expecting assuredly, that “his strength shall be perfected in your weakness [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:9.].” “If he have begun the good work in you, you may be confident that he will carry it on, and perfect it to the end [Note: Filipenses 1:6.].” “To whomsoever he has been the Author of their faith, he will also be the Finisher [Note: Hebreus 12:2.].” “Of those whom the Father has given him, he never did, nor ever will, lose so much as one [Note: João 17:12.].”]

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