1 João 4:14

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


1 João 4:14. We have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

WERE it announced to us, in a time of war, that the enemies of our country were vanquished, that those who had menaced us with utter destruction were all taken captive, and that we might henceforth enjoy an honourable and lasting peace; our first inquiry would be, What ground is there for crediting the report? If we were assured, that several persons, who had been present at the battle and had seen the captive enemies, were sent by the conqueror on purpose to make known to us the glad tidings, we should be filled with transports of joy, and congratulate one another on the glorious event. Such tidings, and thus authenticated, we have to declare unto you; not indeed in reference to an earthly enemy, but in reference to our great adversary, the devil; whom Christ, our Almighty Deliverer, has subdued. The Apostles were sent by their victorious Lord to proclaim the news: and they have come to us, affirming that they were eye-witnesses of the truths which they have been commissioned to declare. They acknowledge, indeed, that “Satan bruised his heel; but they affirm, that he bruised Satan’s head.” Satan so far prevailed as to have him crucified: but by his very death our blessed Lord overcame him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; yes, “on the cross itself he triumphed openly over that wicked adversary, and spoiled all the principalities and powers of hell;” and in his ascension “he led captivity itself captive.”
But that we may ascertain more correctly the nature and truth of their testimony, we shall shew,

I. What evidence we have of the fact reported in the text—

It would divert us too far from our subject to enter into the question of the credibility of the Apostles; suffice it to say, that, as they had no possible inducement to deceive us, so they have never, on any occasion, betrayed the smallest wish to deceive us. Their veracity is unimpeached, and may fully be relied on.
But, it may be asked, Were they themselves well-informed on the points whereof they affirm? We answer, They saw the things which they attest: they did not receive them from the report of others, but were assured of them by ocular demonstration. They saw all which they affirm concerning Christ: they saw,

1. His personal glory—

[Others, even his bitterest enemies, beheld him as a man like unto themselves; but some of his Apostles had ocular proofs of his Godhead: they saw him transfigured on Mount Tabor, his face shining brighter than the meridian sun, and his garments all illumined by the radiant effulgence of his Deity; and they heard the Father’s voice from heaven attesting him to be his only, his beloved Son [Note: Mateus 17:2.Marcos 9:2; Marcos 9:7.]. This vision was vouchsafed to them for their more perfect satisfaction: and they record the circumstance in proof, that what they reported concerning him they knew to be true [Note: João 1:14; 2 Pedro 1:16.]

2. His matchless perfections—

[Not they only, but his very enemies, were astonished at his wisdom, and constrained to confess, that “never man spake like him.” His power and goodness were alike manifest in the authority which he exercised over diseases, devils, and the very elements. Hence, on different occasions, his Disciples expressed their full conviction that he was the promised Messiah, the Saviour of the world: “We believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the Son of the living God [Note: Mateus 16:16; João 6:69.].”]

3. His shameful death—

[His crucifixion was seen by all: but there were some circumstances connected with his death, which tended very strongly to corroborate the opinion which his Disciples had formed of him. The effusion of blood and water from his wounded side in two distinct streams, particularly impressed them with the idea, that he died to cleanse men, not only from the guilt, but also from the power and pollution, of sin [Note: João 19:34. with 1 João 5:6]. And the prodigies preceding and following his dissolution were such, that the Centurion who attended the crucifixion exclaimed, Truly this was a righteous man, this was the Son of God [Note: Mateus 27:54.Marcos 15:39; Lucas 23:47.]

4. His triumphant resurrection—

[At the precise moment of his resurrection, none were present except the soldiers who were placed to guard his tomb: but within a few hours he was seen by several of his Disciples: and for the space of forty days he appeared to them on a great variety of occasions [Note: Atos 1:3.]. By these manifestations of himself, the incredulity of the Apostles was overcome [Note: João 20:24.]: and much stress was laid upon them by the Apostles in confirmation of their word [Note: 1 Coríntios 15:3; Atos 10:40.]

5. His glorious ascension—

[Many were permitted to behold this glorious event: and this, together with the descent of the Holy Spirit whom Christ had promised to send down, convinced the Disciples, beyond a possibility of doubt, that Jesus was the Christ. From this time, (the time of the Spirit’s descent,) the Apostles began to preach Christ as the Saviour of the world: and they constantly founded their testimony upon the fact of their having been eye-witnesses of every thing that they declared [Note: Atos 2:32; Atos 2:36.]. Indeed, such stress did they lay on this circumstance, that, in choosing a successor to Judas in the apostleship, they took care to have one who was on a par with themselves in this particular [Note: Atos 1:21.]: and, in speaking of Christ, they dwell on this circumstance with most triumphant satisfaction [Note: 1 João 1:1.]. It was for the purpose of qualifying Saul to bear the same convincing testimony, that the Lord Jesus appeared personally to him in the way to Damascus [Note: Atos 26:16.]: and, when his ministry was undervalued on account of his supposed inferiority in these respects, he triumphantly appealed to his opposers, “Am I not an Apostle? Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord [Note: 1 Coríntios 9:1.]?”

If then such a number of faithful witnesses, all concurring in the same testimony, and all qualified to give their testimony from a personal inspection of the things attested, can establish any truth whatever, we must confess that the fact asserted in the text is established beyond the possibility of doubt, and that “God the Father has sent his Son to be the Saviour of the world.”]
The fact being proved, we proceed to shew,


For what end we bear our testimony respecting it—

To set forth Christ as the Saviour of the world was the one labour of all the Apostles. The same also is our blessed employment; and we make that our constant theme, or, at least, the sum and substance of our discourses;

1. That you may have just views of the Father’s love—

[We behold the goodness of our God in every thing around us: but not all the creation can exhibit it in so bright a view as the cross of Christ: there, even in the face of a crucified Jesus, shines all the glory of our God. Love, in particular, is there portrayed in its most endearing colours. The gift of God’s only dear Son to die for man, was the most stupendous effort of love that ever was, or can be, exhibited [Note: João 3:16; Romanos 5:8. ver. 9, 10.] — — — It is greater love than was ever shewn even to the angels themselves [Note: Hebreus 2:16.]: and, while it brings us nearer to the throne of God than they [Note: Apocalipse 7:11.], it will furnish us with everlasting songs in which they can never join [Note: Apocalipse 5:9.] — — —]

2. That you may renounce all erroneous methods of seeking acceptance with him—

[If this glorious truth had never been revealed, we might well have made the same inquiries as Balak [Note: Miquéias 6:6.]. But what room is there for such inquiries now? Do we despise this unspeakable gift of God? or do we conceive that we shall be able to establish a firmer foundation for our hope, than that which is laid in the blood and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ? — — — O reject not the proffered mercy of your God! Say not, ‘The Saviour of the world shall not save me.’ This is what you do, in fact, say, when you go about to “establish any righteousness of your own [Note: Romanos 10:3.].” To guard you against so fatal an error, St. Paul testified with all the energy he could express [Note: Gálatas 5:2.]: and we also testify, that there is no other foundation to be laid [Note: 1 Coríntios 3:11.], nor any other name to be trusted in [Note: Atos 4:12.], but that of Jesus Christ.]

3. That you may embrace the Lord Jesus with your whole hearts—

[View him as sent down from heaven, even from the bosom of the Father: view him as dying in your place and stead [Note: Isaías 53:4; Isaías 53:6; 1 Pedro 3:18.]: view him as saving a ruined world. Can you forbear to love him? Can you refrain from seeking an interest in him? Are you not ready to cry out, “Hosanna to the Son of David; Hosanna in the highest?” Behold him, I say; admire him; adore him; trust in him; “cleave unto him with full purpose of heart;” “count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus your Lord.” Alas! you are but too little affected with his love; and need to be reminded of it continually: “we determine, therefore, with God’s help, to know nothing among you but Jesus Christ and him crucified,” and to set before you his love, till it constrains you to love him, and to live to him.]


[Hear once more our testimony. We testify, that Christ is indeed the Son of God, even “Emmanuel, God with us.” We testify, that the one errand on which he came, was to save a ruined world. We testify, that he has done all that was necessary for the salvation of our souls; and that “he is both able and willing to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him” — — — O compel us not to complain, as he did, “We testify of that we have seen, and ye receive not our witness [Note: João 3:11.]!” but let us behold you inquiring after him, till ye can say with the Samaritan converts, “we have seen (‘heard’) him ourselves, and believe that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world [Note: João 4:42.].” It is true, you cannot now see him, as the Apostles did, face to face; but by faith you may “see him that is invisible:” and if only you behold him now by faith, you shall one day see him, as you are seen, and “know him, as you are known.”]

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