João 20:30,31

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


João 20:30. And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: but these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

THOUGH the miracles which are recorded in the Gospel are very numerous, yet are they few in comparison of those which were wrought by our blessed Lord. If all that he performed were distinctly related with all their attendant circumstances, St. John tells us, in the hyperbolical language of the east, that the whole world would scarcely be able to contain the books that would be written [Note: João 21:25.]. Some however are transmitted to posterity as a specimen of the rest, in order that we may be assured of Christ’s divine mission, and be led to believe in him to the salvation of our souls.

The evangelist, stating both the immediate and the ultimate end for which his Gospel was written, declares, that the assuring us of Christ’s divine mission was,

I. The immediate end—

Our blessed Lord declared himself to be “the Christ, the Son of God”—
[It was not in the character of a common prophet that our Lord appeared; he assumed to himself titles to which no human being had aspired, and declared himself to be the Son of God, the incarnate Deity, the Saviour of the world [Note: His enemies themselves accused him of affecting equality with God: and finding, from the very defence that he made, that they were right in their conjecture, they again sought to put him to death as a blasphemer. João 5:18; João 10:33; João 10:37.] — — —]

For the conviction of the people of that day he wrought unnumbered miracles—

[Miracles are works contrary to the common course of nature, works which God alone is able to perform. Hence, when wrought in confirmation of any point, they are justly considered as authenticating that which they are intended to support; because they prove a divine concurrence; and we cannot suppose that God should enable any man to work miracles merely to establish falsehood, and to deceive his people.
There have indeed been sorceries and enchantments practised, perhaps also miracles, in support of error [Note: Êxodo 7:10.]. But, in the case alluded to, God suffered Satan to exercise extraordinary powers in order to harden him who obstinately opposed his will, and to confirm him in the delusions which he had chosen for himself [Note: Isaías 66:4.Salmos 9:16; Êxodo 7:3; Êxodo 7:13.]. Yet in those instances did he give abundant proof of his own superiority, and leave the confounded monarch without excuse [Note: Aaron’s rod swallowed up all the rods of the sorcerers, Êxodo 7:12. The sorcerers were permitted to bring calamities on the land, hut not to remove them, Êxodo 7:21; Êxodo 8:6. And they themselves were constrained to acknowledge a divine power working by Moses and Aaron, when they could no longer imitate the miracles wrought by them, Êxodo 8:18.].

That the miracles which Jesus did, were intended to convince the Jews of his Divine mission, and that they were sufficient for that end, is manifest from the appeal which he himself repeatedly made to them in this very view [Note: João 5:36; João 14:11.]. The completion of prophecy was indeed a decisive proof of his Messiahship to those who could compare the prophecies with the events; but that was a long and arduous process; a work which but few were competent to undertake: whereas the working of miracles afforded a short, compendious, and incontestible evidence to the eyes of all who beheld them.]

For the conviction of future ages these miracles were recorded

[If there had been no written documents of the things that were transacted, we could not have been sure that our information respecting them was correct; seeing that many variations must inevitably happen in traditions handed down through so many succeeding ages. But when the miracles of our Lord were recorded by persons who were eye-witnesses of the same, and these records were speedily circulated amongst myriads who also had been spectators of them; and when in these very writings an appeal was made to the bitterest enemies of our Lord, who would have been glad enough to contradict the assertions of the Evangelists on a supposition that they could have been disproved; these records come down to us with an evidence not at all inferior to ocular demonstration: and if any man reject the testimony which is thus sanctioned both by friends and enemies, he is wilfully blind, and would reject any other evidence that could be given him [Note: Lucas 16:31.]

But though this was the immediate intent of these written memorials, the salvation of our souls was,


The ultimate end—

Merely to prove to us that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, would have been a fruitless task, unless our believing of that record would conduce to our benefit. But the Apostle knew, that our whole salvation depends upon it; and therefore, in transmitting an account of our Saviour’s miracles, he sought to bring us to the enjoyment of life;

1. Of spiritual life—

[The unbeliever is “dead in trespasses and sins [Note: Efésios 2:1.]:” he is as incapable of spiritual exertion, as dry bones, that have been entombed for many years, are of exercising the functions belonging to the body [Note: Ezequiel 37:4.]. Nor is it by working, that he is to obtain life (for he must have life before he can work aright] but by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. By believing, he becomes united to Christ, as a scion that is grafted into a new stock; and he derives life from him, as a branch does from the tree, or as a member from the head [Note: 1 Coríntios 6:17; Efésios 4:15.]. No sooner is that union formed, than he becomes a new creature [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:17.]; “he is passed from death unto life [Note: João 5:24.];” and is “purged from dead works to serve the living God.” For the sake of Christ he is made “a partaker of the Divine nature [Note: 2 Pedro 1:4.]:” “Christ himself lives in him,” and “is that very life [Note: Gálatas 2:20; Colossenses 3:4.],” whereby he is enabled to live to God.]

2. Of eternal life—

[The life begun on earth, is not like the natural life that shall soon expire; it is an incorruptible seed, an immortal principle, which, when watered and invigorated by continued supplies of grace, shall flourish in heaven for evermore. The soul that is quickened by faith in the Lord Jesus, has also its iniquities forgiven. It stands immediately in the nearest relation to the Deity. The believer is a child of God, an heir of God, a joint-heir with Christ [Note: João 1:12.]. A throne is prepared for him in heaven: and, on his dismission from the body, he shall be exalted to an eternal participation of the Divine glory.

Now this is the object which the Evangelists had in view, when they recorded the miracles of our Lord. They endeavoured to convince us, that Jesus was the Christ; yet not merely to extort from us a speculative assent to this truth, but to make us rely on him as our Saviour, that we might experience the true “end of our faith, even the salvation of our souls.” This was an end worthy the inspired writers, an end, which has in myriads of instances already been accomplished, though its success hitherto has been only as the drop before the shower.]


How should we value the Holy Scriptures!

[All the books that ever were written are of no value when compared with the sacred volume. In the Scriptures, we not only think, but know, that we have eternal life [Note: João 5:39.]. They testify of Christ: they declare him to be our incarnate God, our all-sufficient propitiation, our ever-living advocate, our Almighty friend. He is no longer sojourning with us on earth; but we may see him, hear him, converse with him, and enjoy the most intimate fellowship with him, in his word. In that word we may find abundance to confirm our faith, to enliven our hope, to direct our feet, to answer every purpose which our hearts can wish. Let us then “search the Scriptures:” let our meditation be upon them: let them be “sweeter to us than honey and the honey-comb:” let them be “esteemed by us more than our necessary food.”]

2. How careful should we be to exercise faith on Christ!

[All our knowledge even of the Scriptures themselves will be of little use to us, unless we be possessed of a living faith: they will indeed “make us wise unto salvation;” but then it is “through faith in Christ Jesus [Note: 2 Timóteo 3:15.].” More can not be said, and less must not, respecting the excellency of faith, than what is spoken in the words of our text. Every thing relating to spiritual or eternal life must be received by faith, and maintained by faith. In heaven this principle will be superseded; but till we arrive at those happy mansions, we must “walk by faith,” and “live altogether by faith on the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us.”

Let us then read the Scriptures, in order to increase and confirm our faith: let even the strongest believer improve them to this end [Note: 1 João 5:13.]; and in due time he shall be where faith is lost in sight, and hope in enjoyment.]

Veja mais explicações de João 20:30,31


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