Lucas 2:25

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 2:25. The same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel.

IN every age of the Church, there have been some distinguished from the common herd of professors, by their unfeigned zeal and piety. At the time when our blessed Lord came into the world, the Jewish nation were in a most degenerate state: yet were there some, who, with humble and assured expectation, “looked for redemption in Jerusalem.” Amongst those was that aged saint, “to whom it was revealed, that he should not see death, till he should have seen the Lord’s Christ:” “the same man was just and devout,” waiting for the sight of him whom he regarded as “the Consolation of Israel,” and expecting it as the consummation of all his wishes.
The description here given of our Lord is worthy of peculiar attention; while the conduct of the holy patriarch is also replete with useful instruction. We propose therefore to consider,

I. In what respects Christ is “the Consolation of Israel”—

The Scriptures inform us, that there is consolation in Christ [Note: Filipenses 2:1.], even abundant [Note: 2 Coríntios 1:5.] and everlasting consolation [Note: 2 Tessalonicenses 2:16.]. Our Lord himself, speaking of the Spirit, calls him “another Comforter [Note: João 14:16.],” intimating thereby that he himself had sustained and executed this office. But as the Israel of God in that age were in some respects different from the Israel that now is, it will be proper to distinguish between them, and to shew in what respects this glorious title is applicable to Christ;

I. In reference to the Jewish Church—

[He came to give them clearer light. Moses had revealed to them the will of God: but he had put a veil upon his face to intimate the darkness of that dispensation [Note: 2 Coríntios 3:13.]; and had expressly referred them to a prophet who should arise after him, to whom they must look for fuller instructions [Note: Deuteronômio 18:15.]. The prophets of later ages taught the people to look forward to the times of the Messiah, when the glorious light should arise upon the Church, to chase away all the clouds of darkness in which it was then involved [Note: Isaías 60:1.Malaquias 4:2.]; insomuch that at the time of Christ’s advent there was a general and assured expectation, that a fuller revelation was about to be given them by him: “We know that Messias Cometh, who is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things [Note: João 4:25.].

He came also to deliver them from the yoke of the ceremonial law. This was a heavy burthen, which not even the most spiritual among them was able to support. This was never intended to continue any longer than the period fixed for the Messiah’s advent. It was foretold by David, that a priest should arise after the order of Melchizedec; and consequently, with the change of priesthood, there must be a change of the whole law that related to it [Note: Hebreus 7:11.]. Other prophets spake of “a new covenant [Note: Jeremias 31:31.],” and of “a shaking again, not of the earth only, but also of the heavens [Note: Ageu 2:6.]:” by which they intimated that the old covenant should vanish away [Note: Hebreus 8:8.], and that the new order of things, which could not be shaken, should remain, after that the former was abrogated and dissolved [Note: Hebreus 12:25; Hebreus 12:27.].

He came moreover to establish an universal empire. The Jews in general misunderstood the prophecies relating to this event, and supposed that their Messiah would erect a temporal monarchy: but those who had a clearer insight into the meaning of the prophets, expected the establishment of a spiritual kingdom, wherein they should not merely be “delivered from all their enemies, but should serve God without fear in righteousness and holiness before him all the days of their life [Note: Lucas 1:72.].”

To those who viewed him as the appointed Source of these benefits, his advent must be an occasion of most exalted joy: and accordingly it was announced as such by the angelic hosts, who said, “Behold, we bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people; for unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord [Note: Lucas 2:10].”]

2. In reference to the Christian Church—

[Having partaken of all the preceding benefits, we are led to contemplate the Saviour more immediately in reference to our own necessities: and O, what a consolation is he to us, while we view him as a Propitiation for our sins! What tongue can utter the feelings of a contrite soul, when, after many fears of God’s wrath, it is enabled to see the efficacy of Christ’s atonement? O, the peace, the joy, the exultation that arise from every fresh application of his blood to the conscience! Well is “the peace said to pass understanding,” and “the joy of believing to be unspeakable and glorified!”

But we are enabled to view him further as ourAdvocate with the Father.” In this light, he is, if possible, more precious than in the former. The comfort springing from his sacrifice would be greatly diminished, if we did not know that he is entered into heaven with his own blood, to plead the merit of it in our behalf. What should we do under any fresh contracted guilt, if we had not an Intercessor, through whom we might return to God, and offer our petitions with confidence of acceptance? Weak and frail as we are, we should sit down in despair: but having such a High-Priest that is passed into the heavens for us, we may come boldly to the throne of grace, assured of obtaining mercy, and of finding grace to help us in the time of need [Note: Hebreus 4:14; Hebreus 4:16.].

Further, we behold him also as a fountain of all spiritual blessings. “It hath pleased the Father that in Christ should all fulness dwell [Note: Colossenses 1:19.]. Whatever we want, whether wisdom, or righteousness, or strength, there is a fulness of it all in him; and we may say, “In the Lord have I righteousness and strength [Note: Isaías 45:24.].” What an unspeakable consolation must this be to those who feel their emptiness and poverty! What blessed confidence does it bring into the soul, when, under a full conviction that we have not in ourselves a sufficiency even to think a good thought [Note: 2 Coríntios 3:5.], we are enabled to say, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengtheneth me [Note: Filipenses 4:13.]!”

In these views “Christ is so precious to those who believe in him,” that they “account all things but loss and dung in comparison of the knowledge of him [Note: Filipenses 3:8.].”]

It will not be unprofitable to consider,


In what manner we are to “wait for” him—

In the precise sense in which this expression is used in the text, we can now only wait for his coming to judge the world. But there is a spiritual advent to the soul, which every believer is entitled to expect: for, as Christ said to his Disciples, “I will not leave you comfortless; I will come unto you [Note: João 14:18.]; so he says to every obedient follower, “I will come unto you, and make my abode with you [Note: João 14:21.].” This advent therefore we are entitled to expect: and we should wait for it,

1. In a renunciation of all other comforters—

[The ungodly, in their troubles, go, like the Jews of old, to the creature for help and comfort [Note: Oséias 5:13.]: the worldling, to his business; the voluptuary, to his indulgences; the man of gaiety, to his sports; and the formalist, to his duties. They all “forsake the fountain of living waters, and hew out to themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water [Note: Jeremias 2:13.].” But we must go to Him, who invites the weary and heavyladen, and gives them assurances of rest [Note: Mateus 11:28.]. The language of our hearts must be, “Lord, to whom shall we go [Note: João 6:68.]? Whom have we in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that we desire besides thee [Note: Salmos 73:25.].” “None else shall save us; for in thee, even in thee alone, the fatherless findeth mercy [Note: Oséias 14:3.].”]

2. In a firm persuasion of his all-sufficiency—

[We shall in vain hope for comfort in Christ, if we doubt either his power or his willingness to save us. “If our faith be wavering, we shall receive nothing of the Lord [Note: Tiago 1:6.].” We should not therefore come to Christ, saying, “Lord, if thou canst do any thing for us, interpose and help us [Note: Marcos 9:22.];” but, “Lord, I know that with thee all things are possible [Note: Jó 42:2.]:” thy blood can cleanse from the deepest guilt [Note: 1 João 1:7; Isaías 1:18.]; thy grace can vanquish the most deep-rooted lusts [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:9.]; and one glimpse of thy countenance can turn all my sorrows into joy [Note: Salmos 4:6; Salmos 42:11.]. “Having thee, though possessed of nothing else, I possess all things [Note: 2 Coríntios 6:10.].” What a holy glorying would such views of Christ introduce into the soul, even if its distresses were ever so accumulated [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:10.]! Surely, our consolations should abound not only above, but also in proportion to, our heaviest afflictions [Note: 2 Coríntios 1:5.]

3. In an assured expectation of his promised advent—

[That he has promised to come to the souls of his afflicted people has been before shewn. Indeed a very principal end of his heavenly mission was, “to comfort them that mourn in Zion, and to appoint unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness [Note: Isaías 61:1.].” Will he then relinquish the work he has undertaken? Will he violate his own engagements? “Is he a man, that he should lie, or the Son of Man, that he should repent?” Let us not then listen to the suggestions of unbelief and impatience [Note: Salmos 77:7.]: but rather obey the voice of the prophet, who says, “Though the vision tarry, wait for it; for in due time it shall come and shall not tarry [Note: Habacuque 2:3.].”]

Our improvement of this subject shall be,

In a way of inquiry—

[What do we make the ground of our consolation? We see what is supremely and exclusively the consolation of Israel. O that our regard to Christ may testify for us, that we belong to the true Israel!]

2. In a way of encouragement—

[Consolation implies some previous trouble. Now, trouble, if not of a temporal, yet certainly of a spiritual kind, we must all feel. Let us acquaint ourselves with Christ, and we shall never be at a loss for comfort. Let us live nigh to him, and we may defy all the powers of earth and hell [Note: See Isaías 25:9.]

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