Mateus 27
Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon
Verses with Bible comments
1278. Mateus 1:21.
Import of the Names given to Christ
1279. Mateus 2:1.
The Wise Men seeking Christ
1280. Mateus 2:10.
The Joy of the Magi
1281. Mateus 2:16; Mateus 2:18.
The Slaughter of the Infants
1282. Mateus 3:7.
John’s Address to those who came to be baptized of him
1283. Mateus 3:11.
The Baptism of the Spirit
1284. Mateus 3:12.
The Issue of the final Judgement
1285. Mateus 3:15.
Fulfilling all Righteousuness
1286. Mateus 4:1.
Christ’s Temptation
1287. Mateus 4:18.
The Call of four Apostles
1288. Mateus 5:1.
The Blessedness of the Humble
1289. Mateus 5:5.
Christian Meekness
1290. Mateus 5:6.
Hungering and Thirsting after Righteousness
1291. Mateus 5:7.
The Reward of Mercifulness
1292. Mateus 5:8.
Purity of Heart
1293. Mateus 5:9.
The Peace-makers
1294. Mateus 5:10.
Persecution for Righteousness Sake
1295. Mateus 5:13.
Christians the Salt of the Earth
1296. Mateus 5:14.
Christians the Light of the World
1297. Mateus 5:17.
The Law and the Prophets confirmed
1298. Mateus 5:19.
The Danger of little Sins
1299. Mateus 5:20.
Evangelic and Pharisaic Righteousness compared
1300. Mateus 5:21.
Christ’s Exposition of the Sixth Commandment
1301. Mateus 5:23.
Necessity of Reconciliation with Men
1302. Mateus 5:25.
Importance of Reconciliation with God
1303. Mateus 5:27.
Our Lord’s Exposition of the Seventh Commandment
1304. Mateus 5:29.
The Necessity of mortifying every Sin
1305. Mateus 5:31.
Divorces forbidden
1306. Mateus 5:33.
Swearing forbidden
1307. Mateus 5:38.
Retaliation forbidden
1308. Mateus 5:42.
Liberality enjoined
1309. Mateus 5:43.
Love to Enemies enjoined
1310. Mateus 5:47.
Christians do more than others
1311. Mateus 6:1.
Directions respecting Alms-deeds
1312. Mateus 6:5.
Directions respecting Prayer
1313. Mateus 6:9.
Hallowing God’s Name
1314. Mateus 6:10.
The Lord’s Prayer
1315. Mateus 6:11.
The Lord’s Prayer
1316. Mateus 6:12.
The Lord’s Prayer
1317. Mateus 6:13.
The Lord’s Prayer
1318. Mateus 6:13.
The Lord’s Prayer
1319. Mateus 6:14.
A forgiving Spirit necessary to our Acceptance with God
1320. Mateus 6:16.
Directions respecting Fasting
1321. Mateus 6:19.
Laying up Treasures in Heaven
1322. Mateus 6:22.
The Single Eye
1323. Mateus 6:24.
The Services of God and Mammon inconsistent
1324. Mateus 6:25.
Against Carefulness
1325. Mateus 7:1.
Against uncharitable judging
1326. Mateus 7:3; Mateus 7:6.
The Beam and the Mote
1327. Mateus 7:6.
Caution to be used in reproving
1328. Mateus 7:7.
The Importance and Efficacy of Prayer
1329. Mateus 7:9.
God’s Readiness to give his Holy Spirit
1330. Mateus 7:12.
The doing as we would be done unto.
1331. Mateus 7:13.
The Strait and Narrow Ways
1332. Mateus 7:15.
Men known by their Fruits
1333. Mateus 7:21.
Nature and Importance of true Religion
1334. Mateus 7:24.
The Wise Builder
1335. Mateus 7:28.
The Effect of our Lord’s Preaching
1336. Mateus 8:19.
How we are to follow Christ
1337. Mateus 8:27.
Christ stilleth the Tempest
1338. Mateus 9:13.
Mercy before Sacrifice
1339. Mateus 9:28.
Two Blind Men healed
1340. Mateus 9:36.
Our Duty to the benighted World
1341. Mateus 10:5.
Limited Commission of the Apostles
1342. Mateus 10:8.
Diffusion of the Gospel, a Duty
1343. Mateus 10:16.
Wisdom and Innocence to be united
1344. Mateus 10:22.
Enduring unto the End
1345. Mateus 10:30.
Doctrine of a particular Providence
1346. Mateus 10:32.
The Rule of Christ’s Procedure in the Last Day
1347. Mateus 11:4.
Christ’s Answer to John’s Disciples
1348. Mateus 11:11.
Christ’s Commendation of John
1349. Mateus 11:28.
The Heavy-laden invited to Christ
1350. Mateus 11:29.
Christ a meek and lowly Teacher
1351. Mateus 12:6.
Christ greater than the Temple
1352. Mateus 12:18.
Compassion of Christ towards the Weak
1353. Mateus 12:22.
Blind and dumb Demoniac healed
1354. Mateus 12:30.
Decided Adherence to Christ
1355. Mateus 12:31.
The Sin against the Holy Ghost
1356. Mateus 12:36.
Idle Words to be accounted for
1357. Mateus 12:39.
Jonah a Type of Christ
1358. Mateus 12:43.
The Relapsed Demoniac
1359. Mateus 12:46.
Christ’s Regard to his obedient Followers
1360. Mateus 13:13.
The Use and Intent of Parables
1361. Mateus 13:18.
The Sower
1362. Mateus 13:33.
Leaven hid in Meal
1363. Mateus 13:36.
The Tares
1364. Mateus 13:44.
The Hidden Treasure
1365. Mateus 13:45.
The Pearl of great Price
1366. Mateus 13:47.
The Net
1367. Mateus 13:52.
The Householder
1368. Mateus 14:26.
Christ walking on the Sea
1369. Mateus 14:30.
Peter saved when sinking in the Sea
1370. Mateus 15:7.
Formal Worshippers, Hypocrites
1371. Mateus 15:28.
The Daughter of the Canaanitess dispossessed
1372. Mateus 15:30.
Great Multitudes Healed
1373. Mateus 16:6.
Against Formality and Indifference
1374. Mateus 16:15.
Peter’s Confession rewarded
1375. Mateus 16:21.
Peter’s mistaken Tenderness reproved
1376. Mateus 16:24.
Importance of a Christian’s Duty
1377. Mateus 16:26.
The Worth of the Soul
1378. Mateus 17:10.
Elijah’s Advent in John Baptist
1379. Mateus 17:27.
Christ paying the Tribute Money
1380. Mateus 18:1.
A little Child
1381. Mateus 18:14.
The Security of God’s Children
1382. Mateus 18:19.
The Efficacy of social Prayer
1383. Mateus 18:32.
The Unmerciful Servant
1384. Mateus 20:6.
The Labourers
1385. Mateus 21:16.
Children vindicated
1386. Mateus 21:18.
The Fig-tree cursed
1387. Mateus 21:28.
The Two Sons
1388. Mateus 22:2.
The Marriage Feast
1389. Mateus 22:5.
The Sin of making light of Christ
1390. Mateus 22:11.
The Wedding Garment
1391. Mateus 22:41.
An Inquiry into our Views of Christ
1392. Mateus 22:42.
Christ the Son and Lord of David
1393. Mateus 23:8.
Our Relation to Christ and to each other
1394. Mateus 23:37.
Christ’s Compassion
1395. Mateus 24:12.
Caution against Declension in Religion
1396. Mateus 25:10.
The Ten Virgins
1397. Mateus 25:22.
The Talents
1398. Mateus 25:34; Mateus 25:41; Mateus 25:46.
The Day of Judgment
1399. Mateus 25:35.
The Importance of Charitable Exertions
1400. Mateus 26:24.
Fearful Prospect of the Impenitent
1401. Mateus 26:29.
The Lord’s Supper
1402. Mateus 26:53.
Christ’s Apprehension
1403. Mateus 26:56.
Christ forsaken by his Disciples
1404. Mateus 26:63.
Our Lord’s Condemnation
1405. Mateus 26:67.
The Indignities offered to Christ
1406. Mateus 27:3.
1407. Mateus 27:9.
The Disposal of the Money paid to the Traitor Judas
1408. Mateus 27:24.
Pilate’s Protest
1409. Mateus 27:26.
The Indignities offered to our Lord
1410. Mateus 27:38.
The Mocking of Christ upon the Cross
1411. Mateus 27:45.
The Supernatural Darkness
1412. Mateus 27:51.
Signs attendant on our Lord’s Death
1413. Mateus 27:62.
The Guarding of the Sepulchre
1414. Mateus 28:6.
The Resurrection
1415. Mateus 28:18.
The Apostles’ Commission