João 9

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon

Verses with Bible comments







1594. João 1:1.

Divinity of Christ

1595. João 1:9.

Christ the only true Light

1596. João 1:10.

Benefit of receiving Christ

1597. João 1:13.

Christians born of God

1598. João 1:14.

Incarnation and Character of Christ

1599. João 1:16.

The Believer’s Interest in Christ’s Fulness

1600. João 1:18.

The Manifestation which Christ has given of the Father

1601. João 1:29.

Christ the Lamb of God

1602. João 1:45.

Sight of Jesus a Source of Joy

1603. João 1:46.

Evil, and Cure, of Prejudice

1604. João 1:47.

An Israelite indeed

1605. João 2:11.

The Water turned into Wine

1606. João 2:17.

Buyers and Sellers driven out

1607. João 2:18.

The Resurrection a Proof of Christ’s Messiahship

1608. João 3:3.

Nature and Necessity of Regeneration

1609. João 3:14.

The brazen Serpent a Type of Christ

1610. João 3:16.

The Love of God in giving his Son for Man

1611. João 3:17.

The End for which God sent his Son

1612. João 3:19.

Men’s Hatred of the Light

1613. João 3:29.

Conversion of Souls a Ground of Joy

1614. João 3:36.

The Necessity of Faith in Christ

1615. João 4:10.

Christ a Fountain of Living Water

1616. João 4:14.

The Living Water

1617. João 4:22.

Salvation is of the Jews

1618. João 4:24.

The Worship which God requires

1619. João 4:29.

Conviction of Sin, a Preparative for Salvation

1620. João 4:34.

Christ’s Diligence in serving God

1621. João 4:35.

The happy State of the Church

1622. João 4:41.

Conversion of the Samaritans

1623. João 4:49.

The Nobleman’s Son cured

1624. João 5:14.

The Man healed at the Pool of Bethesda

1625. João 5:17.

Christ’s Equality with the Father

1626. João 5:21.

Christ’s Vindication of his own Divine Character

1627. João 5:24.

The Believers happy State

1628. João 5:28.

The Resurrection

1629. João 5:35.

John Baptist’s Character

1630. João 5:39.

Christ’s Appeal to the Scriptures

1631. João 5:40.

The true Reason of Men’s Destruction

1632. João 5:42.

Men’s Want of Love to God

1633. João 5:44.

Faith incompatible with the Love of Man’s Applause

1634. João 5:45.

Unbelief rebuked

1635. João 6:14.

Christ’s Messiahship proved

1636. João 6:27.

Labouring for Heaven

1637. João 6:28.

The Necessity of Faith in Christ

1638. João 6:34.

The Living Bread

1639. João 6:37.

Christ’s Willingness to receive Sinners

1640. João 6:44.

Man’s Inability to come to Christ

1641. João 6:53.

Importance of living by Faith on Christ

1642. João 6:60.

The Gospel, a Ground of Offence

1643. João 6:67.

Christ the one Source of Eternal Life

1644. João 6:67.

No Saviour but the Lord Jesus

1645. João 6:70.

One of the Apostles a Devil

1646. João 7:17.

Connexion between Piety and Knowledge

1647. João 7:36.

Christ may be sought too late

1648. João 7:37.

Christ’s Offer of the Spirit

1649. João 8:10.

Woman taken in Adultery dismissed

1650. João 8:12.

Christ the Light of the World

1651. João 8:21.

Meetness for Heaven necessary

1652. João 8:24.

Danger of rejecting Christ

1653. João 8:36.

The Liberty which Christ gives his People

1654. João 8:39.

The true Children of Abraham

1655. João 8:42.

Love to Christ a Test of our Relation to God

1656. João 8:46.

Unbelief traced to its Source

1657. João 8:56.

Abraham’s Views of Christ

1658. João 9:4.

The Need of working whilst it is Day

1659. João 9:6.

The Blind Man healed at the Pool of Siloam

1660. João 9:35.

Proper Disposition to be exercised towards the Gospel

1661. João 9:39.

Discriminating Effects of the Gospel

1662. João 10:9.

The Good Shepherd

1663. João 10:10.

Life abundantly by Christ

1664. João 10:17.

Voluntariness of Christ’s Undertaking

1665. João 10:27.

Security of Christ’s Sheep

1666. João 10:30.

Christ One with the Father

1667. João 11:25.

Christ, the Resurrection and the Life

1668. João 11:35.


1669. João 11:40.

Lazarus raised

1670. João 11:51.

The prophetic Counsel of Caiaphas

1671. João 12:23.

Our Lord’s Views of his own Death

1672. João 12:26.

The Benefit of following Christ

1673. João 12:27.

Christ’s Resignation

1674. João 12:31.

The Effects of Christ’s Death

1675. João 12:35; João 12:30.

The Duty of walking in the Light

1676. João 12:42.

Danger of loving the Praise of Men

1677. João 12:48.

Men judged by the Gospel






1678. João 13:12.

Christ’s Condescension

1679. João 13:17.

Practical Religion enforced

1680. João 13:18.

Ingratitude depicted

1681. João 13:31.

God glorified in his Son

1682. João 14:1.

Faith an Antidote to all Trouble

1683. João 14:2.

Comfort derived from Christ’s Ascension

1684. João 14:6.

No Way to God but through Christ

1685. João 14:8.

Christ one with the Father

1686. João 14:13.

Christ engages to answer Prayer

1687. João 14:15.

Gift of the Spirit encourages obedience

1688. João 14:19.

Our Life dependent on the Life of Christ

1689. João 14:21.

Obedience the Test of our Love to Christ

1690. João 15:1.

Christians Branches of the True Vine

1691. João 15:5.

Our Impotency without Christ

1692. João 15:8.

Fruitfulness in good Works.

1693. João 15:9.

The Father’s Lone to Christ and Christ’s to us

1694. João 15:11.

Christianity promotes Happiness

1695. João 15:12.

Love to the Brethren

1696. João 15:15.

Christ’s Followers his Friends

1697. João 15:16.

The Doctrine of Election explained

1698. João 15:18.

Consolation to the Persecuted

1699. João 15:22.

The great Sin of rejecting Christ

1700. João 15:23.

Hatred of Christ is Hatred of the Father

1701. João 15:26.

Personality and Office of the Holy Spirit

1702. João 16:8.

Offices of the Holy Spirit

1703. João 16:14.

Office of the Spirit to glorify Christ

1704. João 16:24.

The Benefit of Prayer

1705. João 16:27.

The Objects of the Father’s love

1706. João 16:31.

Inquiry into the reality of our Faith

1707. João 17:1.

Christ’s Prayer to be glorified on Earth

1708. João 17:2.

Christ’s Power to give Eternal Life

1709. João 17:4.

Our Lord’s dying Appeal to God.

1710. João 17:9.

Objects of our Lord’s Intercession

1711. João 17:15.

Preservation from Sin most desirable

1712. João 17:16.

Christians are not of the World

1713. João 17:19.

The End for which Christ dedicated himself to God

1714. João 17:20.

Importance of Union among Christians

1715. João 17:22.

Glory which Christ gives to his People

1716. João 17:24.

Christ’s Intercession

1717. João 18:4.

Christ’s Enemies smitten down

1718. João 18:19.

Jesus smitten before the High-priest

1719. João 18:37.

Christ’s good Confession

1720. João 18:38.

Pilate’s Inquiry about Truth

1721. João 19:5.

Pilate’s further Attempt to save Jesus

1722. João 19:19.

The Superscription affixed to the Cross

1723. João 19:23.

Casting Lots for our Lord’s Vesture

1724. João 19:26.

Jesus commend his Mother to John’s care

1725. João 19:28.

Our Saviour’s Death

1726. João 19:30.

Christ’s Work finished

1727. João 19:31.

The Treatment of our Lord’s Body

1728. João 19:38.

The Burial of Jesus

1729. João 19:39.

Character of Nicodemus

1730. João 20:8.

The Resurrection of Christ

1731. João 20:21.

Inspiration of the Apostles

1732. João 20:27.

Thomas’s Unbelief reproved

1733. João 20:30.

Use and Intent of car Lord’s Miracles

1734. João 21:17.

Inquiries about Love to Christ