Salmos 145

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon

Verses with Bible comments







494. Salmos 1:1.

Characters of the Righteous and Wicked

495. Salmos 2:1.

Opposition to Christ vain

496. Salmos 2:12.

Regard to Christ enforced

497. Salmos 4:3.

The Privileges of the Godly

498. Salmos 4:4.

A practical Exhortation

499. Salmos 4:6.

God’s Favour the only substantial Good

500. Salmos 5:11.

The Blessedness of the Righteous

501. Salmos 7:11.

God’s Indignation against the Wicked

502. Salmos 9:10.

The Name of God a Ground of Trust

503. Salmos 9:17.

The Danger of forgetting God

504. Salmos 10:4.

Men’s proud Contempt of God

505. Salmos 10:13.

Men’s Contempt of God

506. Salmos 11:1.

The Workings of Unbelief and Faith

507. Salmos 12:4.

Practical Atheism exposed

508. Salmos 14:1.

The Commonness and Folly of Atheism

509. Salmos 14:6.

Believers vindicated

510. Salmos 14:7.

The Blessings of Salvation

511. Salmos 15:1.

Character of those that shall be saved

512. Salmos 16:4.

Superior Blessedness of true Christians

513. Salmos 16:5.

God himself his People’s Portion

514. Salmos 16:8.

Christ’s Resurrection and Glory

515. Salmos 17:15.

The Man of God

516. Salmos 18:1.

God the all-sufficient Portion of his People

517. Salmos 18:23.

Besetting Sins

518. Salmos 18:25.

Equity of the Divine Procedure

519. Salmos 18:50.

Thanksgiving for any great Deliverance

520. Salmos 19:7.

Excellency of God’s Word

521. Salmos 19:10.

The Use and Benefit of the Scriptures

522. Salmos 19:12.

Prayer against Sins of Infirmity and Presumption


Salmos 20:7.

Trust in God the Means of Success

524. Salmos 21:1.

The Kingdom of David and of Christ

525. Salmos 21:7.

Trust in God recommended

526. Salmos 22:1.

Our Lord’s Complaint on the Cross

527. Salmos 22:11.

The Sufferings of Christ

528. Salmos 23:1.

David’s Confidence in God

529. Salmos 24:7.

The Ascension of Christ typified

530. Salmos 25:6.

The Saint pleading with God

531. Salmos 25:9.

Meek Docility inculcated

532. Salmos 25:10.

God’s Paths are Mercy and Truth

533. Salmos 25:11.

Proper Method of praying to God

534. Salmos 25:12.

The Portion of those who fear God

535. Salmos 25:14.

The Secrets of the Lord

536. Salmos 26:8.

The Worship of God delightful

537. Salmos 27:4.

David’s Love to God’s Ordinances

538. Salmos 27:8.

The Duty of Prayer

539. Salmos 28:7.

Adoring God for his Mercies

540. Salmos 28:8.

God our saving Strength

541. Salmos 29:10.

God the Giver of Strength and Peace

542. Salmos 30:5.

The Mercy of God

543. Salmos 30:6.

Cause and Cure of spiritual Desertion

544. Salmos 31:15.

Our Times in God’s Hand

545. Salmos 31:19.

The Goodness of God to his believing People

546. Salmos 31:21.

The Godly encouraged to trust in God

547. Salmos 32:1.

True Blessedness declared

548. Salmos 32:11.

Joy in the Lord inculcated

549. Salmos 33:18.

God’s Care of his People

550. Salmos 34:2.

Devotion exemplified

551. Salmos 34:6.

Grateful Recollections

552. Salmos 34:8.

Experimental Religion enforced

553. Salmos 34:11.

The Fear of God inculcated

554. Salmos 34:18.

The Broken and Contrite in Heart encouraged

555. Salmos 35:3.

The Sinner’s Hope

556. Salmos 35:13.

Compassion to the Sick

557. Salmos 36:1.

Awful State of ungodly Men

558. Salmos 36:2.

The self-flattering Delusions of Sinners exposed


Salmos 36:4.

Sin to be abhorred

560. Salmos 36:6.

God’s Word and Works Mysterious

561. Salmos 36:7.

The Loving-kindness of God

562. Salmos 36:9.

Christ the Fountain of Life and Light

563. Salmos 36:10.

God’s continued Care implored

564. Salmos 37:3.

Confidence in God recommended

565. Salmos 37:23.

God’s Interest in his People

566. Salmos 37:31.

The Security of the upright Soul

567. Salmos 38:1.

David’s Distress and Consolation

568. Salmos 39:4.

The Shortness of Human Life

569. Salmos 40:1.

David’s Success in Prayer an Encouragement to us

570. Salmos 41:9.

Christ a Preacher of Righteousness

571. Salmos 40:17.

Consolation to the Distressed

572. Salmos 42:1.

David’s Desire after God

573. Salmos 43:3.

Access to God in Ordinances

574. Salmos 43:5.

Sources and Remedy of Dejection

575. Salmos 45:3.

The Reign of Christ desired

576. Salmos 45:7.

Benefits attendant on Holiness

577. Salmos 45:10.

Duty of the Church as married to Christ

578. Salmos 45:13.

The Church’s Beauty and Happiness

579. Salmos 46:4.

The River of God

580. Salmos 47:5.

The Ascension of Christ an Occasion for Joy

581. Salmos 48:12.

The Church’s Security in God

582. Salmos 49:13.

The Folly of worldly Men

583. Salmos 49:20.

The degraded State of Men

584. Salmos 50:7.

Spiritual Obedience preferred before Sacrifice

585. Salmos 51:1.

True Patience described

586. Salmos 51:4.

Sin an Offence against God

587. Salmos 51:5.

Original Sin

588. Salmos 51:6.

The Importance of inward Integrity

589. Salmos 51:7.

The Means of Deliverance from spiritual Leprosy

590. Salmos 51:8.

The Operations of Sin and of Grace

591. Salmos 51:10.

True Renovation of Heart

592. Salmos 51:14.

The Penitent encouraged

593. Salmos 51:16.

A broken Heart the best Sacrifice


Salmos 55:6.

The afflicted Soul comforted

595. Salmos 56:12.

Vows to be performed

596. Salmos 57:7.

David’s Love to God

597. Salmos 60:4.

God’s Banner over his People

598. Salmos 61:2.

Advice to the Afflicted

599. Salmos 62:5.

God our only and all-sufficient Help

600. Salmos 63:1.

The Believer’s Dispositions towards God

601. Salmos 63:8.

Following after God

602. Salmos 65:3.

Consolation in God

603. Salmos 65:4.

The Blessedness of waiting upon God

604. Salmos 65:9.

God’s Works of Providence and Grace

605. Salmos 66:8.

Stability the Gift of God

606. Salmos 66:16.

Answers to Prayer acknowledged

607. Salmos 66:18; Salmos 66:20.

Sin a Preventive to the Acceptance of our Prayers

608. Salmos 67:1.

Calling of the Gentiles prayed for

609. Salmos 68:18.

The End of Christ’s Ascension

610. Salmos 68:19.

Gratitude to God for his Benefits

611. Salmos 68:35.

The Character of God

612. Salmos 69:1.

Sorrows and Sufferings of Christ

613. Salmos 69:32.

Humble Souls encouraged

614. Salmos 70:4.

The Christian’s Frame of Mind

615. Salmos 71:3.

God a Habitation for his People

616. Salmos 71:7.

The King’s Accession

617. Salmos 71:15.

Salvation a Ground of Joy

618. Salmos 72:6.

Excellence of Christ’s Government

619. Salmos 72:12.

Christ’s Government of his Church

620. Salmos 72:16.

The Success of the Gospel

621. Salmos 72:17.

The Perpetuity and Excellency of Christ’s Kingdom

622. Salmos 72:18.

Praise to God for Redemption






623. Salmos 73:1.

The Goodness of God to Israel

624. Salmos 73:16.

Prosperity of Sinners not to be envied

625. Salmos 73:23.

The Christian’s Experience and Hopes

626. Salmos 73:25.

The Christian’s Choice

627. Salmos 73:28.

Benefit of drawing near to God

628. Salmos 74:22.

God’s Interest in his People

629. Salmos 76:7.

God greatly to be feared

630. Salmos 77:7.

Despondency depicted and reproved

631. Salmos 78:8.

Jews and Christians compared

632. Salmos 78:19.

The Evil of Unbelief

633. Salmos 78:32.

Obstinacy in Sin reproved

634. Salmos 78:32.

The Fruit of Impenitence and Unbelief

635. Salmos 78:34.

The Extent of God’s Mercy

636. Salmos 80:17.

The Efficacy of Prayer

637. Salmos 81:10.

Prayer Effectual to any Extent

638. Salmos 81:11.

God giving up obstinate Transgressors

639. Salmos 84:1.

Divine Ordinances lovely

640. Salmos 84:10.

God’s Ordinances precious

641. Salmos 84:11.

Promises to the Upright

642. Salmos 85:8.

Attention to God’s Word encouraged

643. Salmos 85:9.

The Perfections of God reconciled in Christ Jesus

644. Salmos 86:1.

A praying Spirit exemplified

645. Salmos 86:11.

How to walk with God

646. Salmos 87:3.

The Glory of Zion

647. Salmos 88:14.

Distress of Soul considered

648. Salmos 89:15.

The Blessings of God’s People

649. Salmos 89:19.

The Sufficiency of Christ to save

650. Salmos 89:28.

God’s covenant Engagements with Christ and us

651. Salmos 90:11.

God’s Anger a Reason for turning to him

652. Salmos 90:14.

Satisfaction in God alone

653. Salmos 90:17.

The Beauty of Jehovah imparted to his People

654. Salmos 91:1.

The Blessedness of God’s People

655. Salmos 91:9.

The Security of those who dwell in God

656. Salmos 91:14.

The Character and Privilege of the Gospel

657. Salmos 92:4.

God admired in his Works

658. Salmos 92:12.

The Believer’s Security

659. Salmos 94:19.

Comfort in God

660. Salmos 95:6.

Devotion to God recommended and enforced

661. Salmos 96:1.

The Duty of making Christ known to the Heathen

662. Salmos 96:9.

Worship in the Beauty of Holiness

663. Salmos 97:2.

God’s Ways dark but just

664. Salmos 97:11.

The Blessedness of the Righteous

665. Salmos 98:1.

Christ’s Advent a Ground of Joy

666. Salmos 100:1.

Gentiles called to glorify God

667. Salmos 101:1.

Mercy and Judgment Grounds of Praise

668. Salmos 101:2.

A wise Deportment delineated

669. Salmos 101:3.


670. Salmos 102:13.

The Restoration of the Jews

671. Salmos 102:25.

The Eternity and Immutability of Christ

672. Salmos 103:1.

Duty of praising God for his Mercies

673. Salmos 103:8.

The Goodness of God

674. Salmos 103:15.

Perpetuity of God’s Mercy

675. Salmos 104:33.

The Duty of praising God

676. Salmos 106:4.

The Christian’s Desire

677. Salmos 106:10.

The Effects which national Mercies should produce on us

678. Salmos 106:21.

The Evil and Danger of Ingratitude

679. Salmos 106:30.

The Zeal of Phinehas commended

680. Salmos 106:48.

Praise to God for his Mercies

681. Salmos 107:1.

Praise to God for Redemption

682. Salmos 107:8.

The Duty and Grounds of Praise

683. Salmos 107:43.

God’s Love seen in all his Dispensations

684. Salmos 110:1.

The Person and Offices of Christ

685. Salmos 111:2.

The great Work of Redemption

686. Salmos 111:10.

The Fear of the Lord

687. Salmos 113:5.

Greatness and Condescension of God

688. Salmos 115:9.

Trust in God recommended

689. Salmos 116:1.

Thanksgiving for Deliverance

690. Salmos 116:8.

Grateful Recollections

691. Salmos 116:12.

How to requite the Lord for his Mercies

692. Salmos 116:15.

The Death of Saints precious

693. 117.

The Gentiles called to praise God

694. Salmos 118:27.

The Exaltation of Christ a Ground of Confidence

695. Salmos 119:4.

Practical Religion enforced

696. Salmos 119:9.

God’s Word the Means of Sanctification

697. Salmos 119:18.

How to attain Divine Knowledge

698. Salmos 119:20.

David’s Desire after God’s Word

699. Salmos 119:30.

Christian Experience

700. Salmos 119:34.

Wisdom of true Piety

701. Salmos 119:37.

The Vanities of this World an Obstacle to spiritual Progress

702. Salmos 119:45.

True Liberty

703. Salmos 119:51.

Comfort under Persecution

704. Salmos 119:59.

Serious and speedy Conversion to God recommended

705. Salmos 119:68.

The Goodness of God

706. Salmos 119:71.

The Benefit of Affliction

707. Salmos 119:76.

The Loving-kindness of God

708. Salmos 119:97.

David’s Boasting explained and vindicated

709. Salmos 119:128.

The true Test of Religion in the Soul

710. Salmos 119:132.

The Christian’s chief Desires

711. Salmos 119:136.

Reasons for weeping over Sinners

712. Salmos 119:145.

David’s Desire to serve God

713. Salmos 119:165.

Blessedness of those who love God’s Law

714. Salmos 121:1.

Security of those who trust in God

715. Salmos 124:1.

Thanksgiving for great Deliverance

716. Salmos 124:1.

God to be acknowledged in our Mercies

717. Salmos 125:1.

Trust in the Lord

718. Salmos 125:4.

The Upright and Apostates contrasted

719. Salmos 126:1.

Deliverance from spiritual Bondage acknowledged

720. Salmos 126:5.

Sowing in Tears

721. Salmos 126:5.

The Spiritual Harvest

722. Salmos 130:1.

God’s Mercy an Encouragement to Prayer

723. Salmos 130:5.

Waiting upon God

724. Salmos 130:7.

The Duty of hoping in God

725. Salmos 131:2.

Weanedness from the World

726. Salmos 132:13.

Zion a Type of the Church

727. Salmos 133:1.

The Benefit of Christian Unity

728. Salmos 136:26.

A Call to adore God for his Mercy

729. Salmos 138:2.

God’s Word magnified

730. Salmos 138:3.

Answers to Prayers

731. Salmos 138:4.

The Gospel a Source of Happiness

732. Salmos 138:6.

God’s Views of the Lowly and of the Proud

733. Salmos 138:8.

God’s Care of his People

734. Salmos 139:1

Omnipresence and Omniscience of God

735. Salmos 139:17.

A Christian’s Delight in God

736. Salmos 139:23.

The Difficulty of knowing our own State

737. Salmos 142:7.

Liberty desired

738. Salmos 143:2.

A strict Award of Justice deprecated

739. Salmos 143:7.

God a Refuge to the Distressed

740. Salmos 144:15.

The Blessedness of the Righteous

741. Salmos 145:1.

Praise to God for his Goodness and his Mercy

742. Salmos 145:8.

The Goodness of God to Man

743. Salmos 145:18.

God’s Readiness to answer Prayer

744. Salmos 146:5.

The Blessedness of trusting in God

745. Salmos 146:7.

The Extent of Christ’s Compassion

746. Salmos 147:5.

The Power and Wisdom of God

747. Salmos 147:11.

God’s Regard for the least of his Saints

748. Salmos 147:12.

Temporal Mercies a Ground of Praise

749. Salmos 148:14.

God’s People near unto him

750. Salmos 149:2.

Joy in Christ

751. Salmos 149:4.

Duty of praising God for his Goodness

752. Salmos 150:6.

The Duty of praising God