Isaías 3

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon

Isaías 3:10-11

10 Digam aos justos que tudo lhes irá bem, pois comerão do fruto de suas ações.

11 Mas, ai dos ímpios! Pois tudo lhes irá mal! Terão a retribuição pelo que fizeram as suas mãos.


Isaías 3:10. Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked; it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.

THE Ministers of the Gospel are “stewards of the mysteries of God,” whose office it is “rightly to divide the word of truth,” and to “give every one his portion in due season.” They are to “take forth the precious from the vile, and to be as God’s mouth to all,” declaring their true character, and their proper doom. Their commission is sealed in the words before us, and the very message they are to deliver as God’s ambassadors, is recorded for their direction to the end of time. In complying with the duty here enjoined, we shall,

I. Describe the characters that are to be addressed—

There are but two classes of men in the world; “the righteous” and “the wicked.”
[However diversified men’s states may be in some particulars, they all must be ranked under the one or the other of these heads. In distinguishing them, therefore, we must include in the first class, not merely the more eminent saints, but the least and meanest of God’s people; seeing that there are in God’s household “babes, and young men, as well as fathers [Note: 1 João 2:13.].” And in the second class we must comprehend all those persons, who, however admired by an undiscerning world, are reputed wicked in the sight of God.

I may say then, they are “righteous” who have been renewed in the spirit of their mind, and are following after universal holiness; and they, on the other hand, are “wicked,” who are still in a carnal unregenerate state, and render only a formal and partial obedience to the divine law.
But that I may put this in the clearest possible light, I will say, They are “righteous,” who make religion the great business of life, and prosecute it upon the principles of the Gospel; and all others without exception must be numbered amongst “the wicked.” Of course, I must not be understood to say that worldly business is to be neglected. On the contrary, it must be attended to with all diligence: but it must be followed in subserviency to the concerns of the soul. It must occupy, not the first, but the second place in our esteem. The heart must be God’s, and God’s alone [Note: Provérbios 23:26.].

Now to these distinct classes does God send a separate message; and therefore it is of great importance that we should ascertain to which we belong. Let us then, before we proceed to the consideration of God’s message, inquire seriously to which of these classes we belong?
Can we truly appeal to God, that, in the estimation of our minds and in the habit of our lives, the salvation of our soul is regarded as the one thing needful? If our conscience bear witness to the truth of this, then I must proceed yet further to ask, whether we prosecute the concerns of the soul upon the principles of the Gospel? The Pharisees of old engaged with great ardour in religious duties: but they were not “righteous” in God’s sight, because they sought by their religious observances to establish a righteousness of their own instead of submitting to the righteousness which God had provided for them [Note: Romanos 9:31; Romanos 10:2.]. So it is with the Papists, who observe with great strictness many religious rites, in the hope of recommending themselves thereby to the Divine favour. But the religion of the Gospel is altogether different from this. It requires us to seek for acceptance solely through our Lord Jesus Christ, and to cleave unto him as “all our salvation, and all our desire.” Say, then, Brethren, whether as before God this is your experience from day to day? Say whether ye are washing daily in the fountain of his blood, and clothing yourselves with his unspotted righteousness, and, from a sense of his redeeming love, endeavouring in all things to fulfil his holy will? — — —]

This, if carefully inquired into, will give a clear line of demarcation for us all: and we entreat all to arrange themselves, as it were, before God in that particular class to which conscience tells them they belong; and to attend with solemn awe, while we,


Deliver God’s message to each of them—

God commands his ministers to “warn the wicked [Note: Ezequiel 33:7.],” but to “comfort his people [Note: Isaías 40:1.].” In obedience to him we will address,

1. The righteous—

[That I may not “break any bruised reed,” or “make sad the heart” of any one that is truly upright, let me say, that in the first stages of the Christian course we must judge rather by our desires than by our actual attainments: not because our attainments should be less the objects of scrutiny than our desires, but because in reference to our desires we have a complete consciousness; whilst the defectiveness of our attainments makes us doubtful of our real integrity.

Taking this into consideration, I am aware that some, on account of the smallness of their attainments, may be saying, “I fear it will go ill with me at last.” But God says, “It shall be well with you:” and, in despite of all your fears (if only you press forward in the ways of righteousness) it shall be well with you, in life, in death, and to all eternity. We cannot promise you affluence, or exemption from pain and trouble; but we can promise, in the name of God, that your trials, whatever they be, shall work for good [Note: Romanos 8:28.]; that your latter end shall be peace [Note: Salmos 37:7.]; and that you shall have a crown of righteousness and glory at the instant of your departure from the body [Note: 2 Timóteo 4:8.].

These are the things which you labour to attain: and you shall surely “eat the fruit of your doings.” Dismiss then your unbelieving fears: for this is the word of your faithful God, whom neither the subtlety of Satan can deceive, nor his power be able to withstand.]

2. The wicked—

[Glad should we be, if we could say, It shall be well with you. But if we should dare to deliver such a message, the falsehood of it must immediately appear [Note: Put it into language, and how horrible will it sound.] — — — Against you, God sends us to denounce woe: “Woe to the wicked! it shall be ill with him.” You, under the influence of presumption, may be saying, “I hope, notwithstanding what is spoken in the Bible, that it will fare well with me at last.” But, if there be any truth in God, it must be ill with you. Even in the midst of all your boasted enjoyments we defy you to say, that you have any solid peace [Note: Isaías 57:20.]: — — — and in your dying hour, if you are not insensible as beasts, you will be full of regret and terror [Note: Eclesiastes 5:17.] — — — and, after death, you will lie down in everlasting burnings [Note: Apocalipse 21:8.] — — —

Nor is this unjust, since you reap only what you sowed — — — You chose the world as your portion; and you have nothing beyond it: you “would have none of God [Note: Salmos 81:11.];” and you have none of him: you said to him, “Depart [Note: Jó 21:14; Jó 22:17.];” and he says to you, “Depart [Note: Mateus 25:41.].” In your banishment from God and heaven, “the reward of your own hands is given to you.”

Painful it is to deliver such a message; but we must deliver it at the peril of our souls [Note: Ezequiel 33:8.]: and whether it be credited by you, or not, it shall be confirmed and ratified in heaven [Note: Mateus 18:18.]

We cannot conclude without recommending to your notice,

The equity of the future judgment—

[The decision of the Judge will be grounded entirely on our works. No man that was righteous in this world, shall perish; nor shall any man that persisted in his wickedness, be saved. The reward indeed that will be given to the righteous, will be the gift of grace for Christ’s sake: whereas that which will be given to the wicked, will be the just wages of their iniquity [Note: Romanos 6:23.]. Still however, the quality of every person’s works will determine his state; and the happiness or misery of each will be proportioned to his improvement or abuse of the talents committed to him. You all know, if you see one man industrious, sober, frugal, and another idle, dissipated, extravagant, what must in process of time be the difference between them. Each of them is laying up for himself a treasure which in due season he must reap: nor are you at all surprised when you see the one enjoying the fruits of his industry, and the other reaping the bitter fruits of his folly. Such will assuredly be the issue of our conduct in reference to religion. Let every person therefore remember, that he is daily and hourly treasuring up for himself that which shall be delivered to him again at the day of judgment [Note: Gálatas 6:7.]: and that, if he perish for ever, he will have none to blame for it but himself.]

2. The importance of preparing for our great account—

[If the declarations in the text proceeded from man, they might well be disregarded. But they are the words of God; and are as truly spoken to us by him, as if they were now uttered by an audible voice from heaven. Should we not then take warning? Should not the wicked inquire how they may become righteous; and the righteous increase their diligence to hold on in God’s holy ways? Would to God this effect might now be produced! how gladly should we set Christ before you as an all-sufficient Saviour! and how joyfully should we proclaim the promises of God, both to sincere penitents [Note: Isaías 55:7.], and to humble believers [Note: Jó 17:9.]! Let all stir themselves up without delay, and prepare in earnest to meet their God.]

3. The use and benefit of divine ordinances—

[In the world, we may pass days and years, and never once hear the sentiment, That “it shall go ill with the wicked.” On the contrary, we shall hear ten thousand assertions that encourage a directly opposite opinion. And, if a friendly monitor attempt to undeceive us, he is accounted rude, harsh, fanatical. But in the house of God we may venture to speak with plainness, and to declare the determinations of heaven. God sends us for this very purpose, that we may draw aside the veil of futurity, and open to your view the things that shall be hereafter. We are to shew you “the righteous shining forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father,” and the wicked “lifting up their eyes with unavailing wishes in the torments of hell.” Let the ordinances then be reverenced with humble gratitude, and improved with unwearied assiduity [Note: If this were the subject of an Assize Sermon, this third remark might be to this effect; The use and benefit of human judicatories; which are intended to distribute justice, as far as possible, in this world, as God himself will distribute it in the world to come.]







856. Isaías 1:2.

God’s Complaint against his People

857. Isaías 1:4.

The Sinfulness of the Nation

858. Isaías 1:10.

Service which alone is pleasing to God

859. Isaías 1:18.

Crimson Sins made White

860. Isaías 1:25.

God purifying his People

861. Isaías 2:5.

Exhortation to a Holy Walk

862. Isaías 3:10.

Final State of Man

863. Isaías 4:5.

God the Protector of his Church

864. Isaías 5:3.

God’s Appeal to Man’s Decision

865. Isaías 5:20.

Sinfulness of confounding Good and Evil

866. Isaías 6:5.

Isaiah’s Vision of Christ

867. Isaías 6:8.

A Missionary Spirit described

868. Isaías 8:12.

God the only proper Object of Fear

869. Isaías 8:18.

Believers are for Signs and Wonders

870. Isaías 8:19.

Seeking after God

871. Isaías 9:2.

Blessings imparted by the Gospel

872. Isaías 9:6.

Christ’s Incarnation and Character

873. Isaías 9:13.

Impenitence under Divine Chastisements

874. Isaías 10:12.

Abasement of the Assyrian Monarch

875. Isaías 11:2.

Christ’s Qualifications for his Office

876. Isaías 11:6.

Change to be wrought in the latter Day

877. Isaías 11:9.

The Millennium

878. Isaías 11:10.

Christ a Standard for the Gentiles

879. Isaías 12:1.

The Believer’s Song

880. Isaías 12:3.

The Wells of Salvation

881. Isaías 12:3.

The Believer’s Song

882. Isaías 14:2.

The Christian Warfare

883. Isaías 14:27.

Immutability of God’s Counsels

884. Isaías 14:32.

God’s Church and People secure

885. Isaías 19:20.

Christ a great Saviour

886. Isaías 19:24.

The Conversion of Jews and Gentiles

887. Isaías 21:11.

Profane Scoffers instructed

888. Isaías 22:12.

Unconcern amidst Calls to Repentance

889. Isaías 22:24.

Eliakim a Type of Christ

890. Isaías 24:23.

The Reign of Christ glorious

891. Isaías 25:4.

Christ a suitable and all-sufficient Help

892. Isaías 25:6.

The Gospel a Source of richest Blessings

893. Isaías 25:9.

Christ’s Advent a Ground of Joy

894. Isaías 26:3.

Trust in God recommended

895. Isaías 26:13.

Humiliation with Zeal

896. Isaías 26:20.

The only Refuge of Sinners






897. Isaías 27:3.

God’s Care for his Church

898. Isaías 27:6.

The future Prosperity of Israel

899. Isaías 27:12.

Conversion of the Jews gradual

900. Isaías 28:5.

The Felicity of God’s People

901. Isaías 29:17.

The Millennial Period fast approaching

902. Isaías 29:18.

The Gospel a Source of Blessings to Mankind

903. Isaías 30:7.

Confidence in God recommended

904. Isaías 30:26.

Benefits arising from God’s Return to the Soul

905. Isaías 31:4.

God the Protector of his People

906. Isaías 32:2.

Security and Comfort in Christ

907. Isaías 32:16.

The Work of Righteousness is Peace

908. Isaías 33:6.

The Use and Excellency of True Wisdom

909. Isaías 33:16.

Protection promised to the Godly

910. Isaías 33:20.

The Church’s Security

911. Isaías 33:23.

Encouragement to the Weak

912. Isaías 35:1.

Glorious Prospects of the Gospel Church

913. Isaías 35:3.

Encouragement to the Weak

914. Isaías 35:5.

Streams in the Desert

915. Isaías 35:8.

The Way to Zion

916. Isaías 38:14.

Help for us in God

917. Isaías 38:17.

Forgiveness known and enjoyed

918. Isaías 38:19.

Praising God for his Mercies

919. Isaías 38:20.

Hezekiah’s Thanksgiving for his Recovery

920. Isaías 40:1.

The Scope and Tendency of the Gospel

921. Isaías 40:6.

The Immutability of the Gospel

922. Isaías 40:9.

The Messiah’s Advent

923. Isaías 40:11.

Christ’s Care for his Sheep

924. Isaías 40:27.

The Desponding encouraged

925. Isaías 41:10.

The weak Believer comforted

926. Isaías 41:14.

The Worm Jacob threshing the Mountains

927. Isaías 41:17.

Consolation for the Desponding

928. Isaías 42:5.

Christ’s Commission

929. Isaías 42:16.

God’s Dealings with his People opened

930. Isaías 43:1.

God’s Care for his People

931. Isaías 43:4.

The Blessedness of the True Christian

932. Isaías 43:12.

The Saints are Witnesses for God

933. Isaías 43:20.

God’s Kindness to his People

934. Isaías 43:22.

The Greatness of God’s Mercy

935. Isaías 44:1.

The Out-Pouring of the Spirit promised

936. Isaías 44:20.

The Folly of spiritual Idolatry

937. Isaías 44:22.

The Work of Redemption a Motive to Conversion

938. Isaías 44:23.

Redemption a Ground of Joy

939. Isaías 45:8.

The Efficacy of the Gospel

940. Isaías 45:9.

Striving with our Maker

941. Isaías 45:17.

The Extent and Certainty of Israel’s Salvation

942. Isaías 45:21.

Jehovah a just God and a Saviour

943. Isaías 45:22.

Looking to Christ

944. Isaías 45:23.

Exaltation of Christ

945. Isaías 46:3.

God’s Care for his People

946. Isaías 46:12.

Christ the Salvation of Israel

947. Isaías 48:16.

Offices of the Holy Trinity in the Work of Redemption

948. Isaías 48:17.

God’s tender Concern for his People

949. Isaías 49:6.

Christ the Light and Salvation of the Gentiles

950. Isaías 49:7.

Christ’s future Reign

951. Isaías 49:8.

The Greatness of Christ’s Salvation

952. Isaías 49:14.

God will not forget his People

953. Isaías 49:18.

Promised Increase of the Church

954. Isaías 49:24.

Desponding Fears removed

955. Isaías 50:5.

Messiah’s Sufferings and Support

956. Isaías 50:10.

A Word Season

957. Isaías 51:1.

Consolation for the Afflicted

958. Isaías 51:7.

A Dissuasive from the Fear of Man

959. Isaías 52:9.

The Church pleading with God

960. Isaías 52:1.

Despondency reproved

961. Isaías 52:7.

The Nature of the Gospel

962. Isaías 52:8.

The Saint’s Vision of Christ

963. Isaías 52:13.

Christ rewarded for his Services

964. Isaías 52:14.

The Depth of our Saviour’s Humiliation

965. Isaías 52:15.

The Means and Evidence of Conversion

966. Isaías 53:1.

Men’s Neglect of the Gospel

967. Isaías 53:2.

The Characters and Treatment of the Messiah

968. Isaías 53:4.

The True Cause of our Lord’s Suferings

969. Isaías 53:6.

Means of Man’s Restoration to God

970. Isaías 53:7.

Christ’s Behaviour under his Sufferings

971. Isaías 53:8.

Our Lord’s Trial and Execution

972. Isaías 53:9.

The Father’s Conduct towards the innocent Jesus explained and vindicated

973. Isaías 53:10.

Christ’s Death a Condition of our Salvation

974. Isaías 53:11.

Christ’s Satisfaction in his People

975. Isaías 53:11.

Means of our Justification before God

976. Isaías 53:12.

Fruits of Christ’s Death and Intercession

977. Isaías 54:5.

Our Maker our Husband

978. Isaías 54:6.

God’s Faithfulness to his Covenant

979. Isaías 54:13.

Peace the Fruit of Divine Teaching

980. Isaías 54:17.

The Saints’ Heritage

981. Isaías 55:1.

The Blessings of the Gospel

982. Isaías 55:4.

Christ a Witness and Commander

983. Isaías 55:6.

Of seeking the Lord in time

984. Isaías 55:7.

Encouragement to turn to God

985. Isaías 55:8.

God’s Ways above ours

Isaías 55:10.

Resemblance of the Gospel to Rain and Snow

987. Isaías 55:12.

The Change wrought by the Gospel

988. Isaías 56:4.

Acceptance for all sincere Worshippers

989. Isaías 57:15.

The Majesty and Holiness of Gad

990. Isaías 57:17.

God’s Mercy to obstinate Sinners

991. Isaías 57:20.

No Peace to the Wicked

992. Isaías 58:1.

The Ministerial Office

993. Isaías 58:5.

The Services which God requires

994. Isaías 58:13.

Observance of the Sabbath enjoined

995. Isaías 59:8.

No Peace in the Way of Sin

996. Isaías 59:15.

The Righteous a Prey to the Wicked

997. Isaías 59:19.

The Means of spiritual Victory

998. Isaías 59:20.

The Perpetuity of Christ’s Kingdom

999. Isaías 60:1.

Our Duty arising from the Advent of Christ

1000. Isaías 60:8.

Millennial Piety described

1001. Isaías 60:13.

Excellency of the Church of Christ

1002. Isaías 60:15; Isaías 60:10.

Future Prosperity of the Jewish Church

1003. Isaías 60:19.

The Church’s Prosperity

1004. Isaías 61:1.

Christ’s Commission

1005. Isaías 61:9.

Blessedness of the Lord’s People

1006. Isaías 61:10.

The Believer clad with the Garments of Salvation

1007. Isaías 61:11.

The Conversion of the World promised

1008. Isaías 62:3.

The Church a Royal Diadem

1009. Isaías 62:5.

God’s Delight in his People

1010. Isaías 62:6.

Duty of interceding for the Church

1011. Isaías 62:10.

Restoration of the Jews

1012. Isaías 63:1.

Messiah’s Triumphs

1013. Isaías 63:7.

The Loving-kindness of the Lord

1014. Isaías 63:8; Isaías 63:10.

Vexing the Holy Spirit

1015. Isaías 63:9.

The Love of God towards his People

1016. Isaías 63:11.

God contemplated

1017. Isaías 63:15.

Pleading with God

1018. Isaías 64:6.

Imperfection of our best Services

1019. Isaías 64:7.

The Consequences of neglecting Prayer

1020. Isaías 65:12.

Danger of disregarding God

1021. Isaías 65:17.

The new Heavens and the new Earth

1022. Isaías 65:24.

The Efficacy of Prayer

1023. Isaías 66:2.

The Poor and Contrite the Objecte of God’s Favour

1024. Isaías 66:10.

God delights to comfort his People

1025. Isaías 66:18.

The Jews to convert the Gentiles