Isaías 24

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon

Isaías 24:23

23 A lua ficará humilhada, e o sol, envergonhado; pois o Senhor dos Exércitos reinará no monte Sião e em Jerusalém, glorioso na presença dos seus líderes!


Isaías 24:23. Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his antients, gloriously.

THE chapter before us seems to refer to the destruction of the Jewish Church and polity by the Chaldeans. But it looks forward, also, to their restoration, and to the establishment of the Messiah’s empire consequent upon it. Of that period it is delightful to speak: for, in fact, the glory of it far exceeds all that language can express, or the most enlarged imagination can conceive.
To give you some idea of the Messiah’s advent, as it is here described, I will endeavour to set before you,

I. The nature of his kingdom—

[It differs widely from all other kingdoms. Other kings have dominion over the persons and the property of their subjects; but his empire is over their souls — — — The laws of other kingdoms are almost entirely restrictive: his, however restrictively expressed, are not prohibitory only, but preceptive; and intended to call forth into exercise every power of the soul. The substance of them all is contained in these two sayings, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy mind, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength; and thy neighbour as thyself.” Nor does any one fully approve himself to him as a faithful subject, unless “every thought of his heart be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ [Note: 2 Coríntios 10:5.].”]


The extent of his dominion—

[Never was there a kingdom like unto His. At present, indeed, His is very limited: but, at the period mentioned in my text, it will be absolutely universal: “All kings shall bow down before him, all nations shall serve him [Note: Salmos 72:11.],” and “the utmost ends of the earth shall be his possession [Note: Salmos 2:8.].” “There will then be but one Lord over the face of the whole world, and his name one [Note: Zacarias 14:9.].” Nor will there be any who yield him only a forced or partial obedience; for in that day “all will be righteouse [Note: Isaías 60:21.]: “nor will there be any more a Canaanite in the land of the Lord of Hosts [Note: Zacarias 14:21.].”]


The happiness of his subjects—

[If the happiness of a people be estimated by their honours, their wealth, their enjoyments, never was there a kingdom to be compared with His. The most exalted person in any other kingdom is but a child of man: whereas the least and meanest of his subjects is a child of the living God. “Israel,” says Jehovah, “is my son, my first-born [Note: Êxodo 4:22.].” The wealth of earthly monarchs, however great, may be counted: that which is owned by the poorest of his subjects is “unsearchable [Note: Efésios 3:8.].” “Though he have nothing (of an earthly nature), he actually possesses all things [Note: 2 Coríntios 6:10.].” In earthly kingdoms, a few only, and those of the higher ranks, have access to their king; and that only for a short season, on some particular occasions. But in Christ’s yea, and has liberty to “ask whatsoever he will;” with an absolute certainty, that (provided the gift will be beneficial to his soul) he shall obtain it [Note: João 14:13; João 15:7.]. In other kingdoms, the subjects are only subjects: but in Christ’s kingdom every subject is himself a king [Note: Apocalipse 1:6.], having a throne [Note: Apocalipse 3:21.], a crown [Note: 2 Timóteo 4:8.], a kingdom [Note: Lucas 22:29.], for his unalienable and everlasting possession. The subjects of other kingdoms have their pleasures and their joys; but the subjects of Christ are “full of joy and peace in believing [Note: Romanos 15:13.],” yea, “of joy unspeakable and glorified [Note: 1 Pedro 1:8.].” Well might Moses say, “Happy art thou, O Israel, O people saved by the Lord, who is the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thine excellency [Note: Deuteronômio 33:29.]!”]


The glory of his reign—

[Truly, never did there exist among men such a kingdom as this. In this there will not be found one enemy unsubdued; ar one subject of the realm debased, or destitute, or unholy, or unhappy. Even at present, so far as Christ really reigns in the heart, this is found a truth: but in that day, when his power will be universally operative and effectual, it will be productive of these effects in every place and in every bosom. But, as the crown and summit of all, every soul will refer to Christ as the life, the peace, the strength, the joy, the glory of his whole Church. There will be stars differing from each other in splendour; but all will acknowledge him as the sun, from whence all their lustre is derived, and to whom alone all the glory must be ascribed. In the reign of Solomon, so great was the prosperity of the Jewish people, that “silver was common as the stones,” and “of no account” in the public estimation [Note: 1 Reis 10:21; 1 Reis 10:27.]. But that was poverty itself, in comparison of what shall be the portion of God’s people in the millennial age: for then the very poorest amongst them shall be able to say, “All things are mine; for I am Christ’s [Note: 1 Coríntios 3:22.].”

That there may be trials then, as well as now, I do not deny: but they will all be made subservient to the advancement of the people’s happiness: seeing, that “as their tribulations abound, their consolations also by Christ shall much more abound [Note: 2 Coríntios 1:5.].”]

See then, Brethren,

What you should affect on earth—

[The sun and moon may well be considered as emblems of all that is great and glorious upon earth: but “glorious as they are, they have no glory, by reason of the glory that excelleth.” Before the superior lustre of the Redeemer’s kingdom they must hide their diminished heads, “ashamed and confounded,” as unworthy of regard, in comparison of Christ, and of the felicity that is enjoyed through him. Let this, then, be the one object of your desire, to become subjects of his kingdom. Verily, “to be a door-keeper in his house, is better than to dwell in the most magnificent and richly furnished tents of the ungodly [Note: Salmos 84:10.].” Seek to be able to say, “My Beloved is mine, and I am his [Note: Cântico dos Cânticos 2:16.];” and you can have no richer bliss out of heaven.]

2. What blessedness awaits you in the eternal world—

[There you will “behold the King in his beauty [Note: Isaías 33:17.],” yea, in the full effulgence of his majesty and glory. There, too, will you yourselves be freed from all your present infirmities: for there “the spirits of the just are made perfect [Note: Hebreus 12:23.].” There your powers will be enlarged, beyond all that you can now conceive; and you will be filled with bliss, to the utmost extent of your capacity to contain it. And what will you think of earthly honours and enjoyments then? Verily you will wonder how it was ever possible for you to be so enchanted with them as you once were. The sight of Christ “face to face [Note: 1 Coríntios 13:12.]” will swallow up every inferior object, even as the meridian sun eclipses and banishes the stars: and then your bliss will be complete, because there will no longer remain any object to distract your mind, or so much as a thought that does not emanate from, and centre in, your Saviour and your King. Methinks, in the anticipation of that day, I hear you already saying, “Allelujah; for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth [Note: Apocalipse 19:6.]!”]







856. Isaías 1:2.

God’s Complaint against his People

857. Isaías 1:4.

The Sinfulness of the Nation

858. Isaías 1:10.

Service which alone is pleasing to God

859. Isaías 1:18.

Crimson Sins made White

860. Isaías 1:25.

God purifying his People

861. Isaías 2:5.

Exhortation to a Holy Walk

862. Isaías 3:10.

Final State of Man

863. Isaías 4:5.

God the Protector of his Church

864. Isaías 5:3.

God’s Appeal to Man’s Decision

865. Isaías 5:20.

Sinfulness of confounding Good and Evil

866. Isaías 6:5.

Isaiah’s Vision of Christ

867. Isaías 6:8.

A Missionary Spirit described

868. Isaías 8:12.

God the only proper Object of Fear

869. Isaías 8:18.

Believers are for Signs and Wonders

870. Isaías 8:19.

Seeking after God

871. Isaías 9:2.

Blessings imparted by the Gospel

872. Isaías 9:6.

Christ’s Incarnation and Character

873. Isaías 9:13.

Impenitence under Divine Chastisements

874. Isaías 10:12.

Abasement of the Assyrian Monarch

875. Isaías 11:2.

Christ’s Qualifications for his Office

876. Isaías 11:6.

Change to be wrought in the latter Day

877. Isaías 11:9.

The Millennium

878. Isaías 11:10.

Christ a Standard for the Gentiles

879. Isaías 12:1.

The Believer’s Song

880. Isaías 12:3.

The Wells of Salvation

881. Isaías 12:3.

The Believer’s Song

882. Isaías 14:2.

The Christian Warfare

883. Isaías 14:27.

Immutability of God’s Counsels

884. Isaías 14:32.

God’s Church and People secure

885. Isaías 19:20.

Christ a great Saviour

886. Isaías 19:24.

The Conversion of Jews and Gentiles

887. Isaías 21:11.

Profane Scoffers instructed

888. Isaías 22:12.

Unconcern amidst Calls to Repentance

889. Isaías 22:24.

Eliakim a Type of Christ

890. Isaías 24:23.

The Reign of Christ glorious

891. Isaías 25:4.

Christ a suitable and all-sufficient Help

892. Isaías 25:6.

The Gospel a Source of richest Blessings

893. Isaías 25:9.

Christ’s Advent a Ground of Joy

894. Isaías 26:3.

Trust in God recommended

895. Isaías 26:13.

Humiliation with Zeal

896. Isaías 26:20.

The only Refuge of Sinners






897. Isaías 27:3.

God’s Care for his Church

898. Isaías 27:6.

The future Prosperity of Israel

899. Isaías 27:12.

Conversion of the Jews gradual

900. Isaías 28:5.

The Felicity of God’s People

901. Isaías 29:17.

The Millennial Period fast approaching

902. Isaías 29:18.

The Gospel a Source of Blessings to Mankind

903. Isaías 30:7.

Confidence in God recommended

904. Isaías 30:26.

Benefits arising from God’s Return to the Soul

905. Isaías 31:4.

God the Protector of his People

906. Isaías 32:2.

Security and Comfort in Christ

907. Isaías 32:16.

The Work of Righteousness is Peace

908. Isaías 33:6.

The Use and Excellency of True Wisdom

909. Isaías 33:16.

Protection promised to the Godly

910. Isaías 33:20.

The Church’s Security

911. Isaías 33:23.

Encouragement to the Weak

912. Isaías 35:1.

Glorious Prospects of the Gospel Church

913. Isaías 35:3.

Encouragement to the Weak

914. Isaías 35:5.

Streams in the Desert

915. Isaías 35:8.

The Way to Zion

916. Isaías 38:14.

Help for us in God

917. Isaías 38:17.

Forgiveness known and enjoyed

918. Isaías 38:19.

Praising God for his Mercies

919. Isaías 38:20.

Hezekiah’s Thanksgiving for his Recovery

920. Isaías 40:1.

The Scope and Tendency of the Gospel

921. Isaías 40:6.

The Immutability of the Gospel

922. Isaías 40:9.

The Messiah’s Advent

923. Isaías 40:11.

Christ’s Care for his Sheep

924. Isaías 40:27.

The Desponding encouraged

925. Isaías 41:10.

The weak Believer comforted

926. Isaías 41:14.

The Worm Jacob threshing the Mountains

927. Isaías 41:17.

Consolation for the Desponding

928. Isaías 42:5.

Christ’s Commission

929. Isaías 42:16.

God’s Dealings with his People opened

930. Isaías 43:1.

God’s Care for his People

931. Isaías 43:4.

The Blessedness of the True Christian

932. Isaías 43:12.

The Saints are Witnesses for God

933. Isaías 43:20.

God’s Kindness to his People

934. Isaías 43:22.

The Greatness of God’s Mercy

935. Isaías 44:1.

The Out-Pouring of the Spirit promised

936. Isaías 44:20.

The Folly of spiritual Idolatry

937. Isaías 44:22.

The Work of Redemption a Motive to Conversion

938. Isaías 44:23.

Redemption a Ground of Joy

939. Isaías 45:8.

The Efficacy of the Gospel

940. Isaías 45:9.

Striving with our Maker

941. Isaías 45:17.

The Extent and Certainty of Israel’s Salvation

942. Isaías 45:21.

Jehovah a just God and a Saviour

943. Isaías 45:22.

Looking to Christ

944. Isaías 45:23.

Exaltation of Christ

945. Isaías 46:3.

God’s Care for his People

946. Isaías 46:12.

Christ the Salvation of Israel

947. Isaías 48:16.

Offices of the Holy Trinity in the Work of Redemption

948. Isaías 48:17.

God’s tender Concern for his People

949. Isaías 49:6.

Christ the Light and Salvation of the Gentiles

950. Isaías 49:7.

Christ’s future Reign

951. Isaías 49:8.

The Greatness of Christ’s Salvation

952. Isaías 49:14.

God will not forget his People

953. Isaías 49:18.

Promised Increase of the Church

954. Isaías 49:24.

Desponding Fears removed

955. Isaías 50:5.

Messiah’s Sufferings and Support

956. Isaías 50:10.

A Word Season

957. Isaías 51:1.

Consolation for the Afflicted

958. Isaías 51:7.

A Dissuasive from the Fear of Man

959. Isaías 52:9.

The Church pleading with God

960. Isaías 52:1.

Despondency reproved

961. Isaías 52:7.

The Nature of the Gospel

962. Isaías 52:8.

The Saint’s Vision of Christ

963. Isaías 52:13.

Christ rewarded for his Services

964. Isaías 52:14.

The Depth of our Saviour’s Humiliation

965. Isaías 52:15.

The Means and Evidence of Conversion

966. Isaías 53:1.

Men’s Neglect of the Gospel

967. Isaías 53:2.

The Characters and Treatment of the Messiah

968. Isaías 53:4.

The True Cause of our Lord’s Suferings

969. Isaías 53:6.

Means of Man’s Restoration to God

970. Isaías 53:7.

Christ’s Behaviour under his Sufferings

971. Isaías 53:8.

Our Lord’s Trial and Execution

972. Isaías 53:9.

The Father’s Conduct towards the innocent Jesus explained and vindicated

973. Isaías 53:10.

Christ’s Death a Condition of our Salvation

974. Isaías 53:11.

Christ’s Satisfaction in his People

975. Isaías 53:11.

Means of our Justification before God

976. Isaías 53:12.

Fruits of Christ’s Death and Intercession

977. Isaías 54:5.

Our Maker our Husband

978. Isaías 54:6.

God’s Faithfulness to his Covenant

979. Isaías 54:13.

Peace the Fruit of Divine Teaching

980. Isaías 54:17.

The Saints’ Heritage

981. Isaías 55:1.

The Blessings of the Gospel

982. Isaías 55:4.

Christ a Witness and Commander

983. Isaías 55:6.

Of seeking the Lord in time

984. Isaías 55:7.

Encouragement to turn to God

985. Isaías 55:8.

God’s Ways above ours

Isaías 55:10.

Resemblance of the Gospel to Rain and Snow

987. Isaías 55:12.

The Change wrought by the Gospel

988. Isaías 56:4.

Acceptance for all sincere Worshippers

989. Isaías 57:15.

The Majesty and Holiness of Gad

990. Isaías 57:17.

God’s Mercy to obstinate Sinners

991. Isaías 57:20.

No Peace to the Wicked

992. Isaías 58:1.

The Ministerial Office

993. Isaías 58:5.

The Services which God requires

994. Isaías 58:13.

Observance of the Sabbath enjoined

995. Isaías 59:8.

No Peace in the Way of Sin

996. Isaías 59:15.

The Righteous a Prey to the Wicked

997. Isaías 59:19.

The Means of spiritual Victory

998. Isaías 59:20.

The Perpetuity of Christ’s Kingdom

999. Isaías 60:1.

Our Duty arising from the Advent of Christ

1000. Isaías 60:8.

Millennial Piety described

1001. Isaías 60:13.

Excellency of the Church of Christ

1002. Isaías 60:15; Isaías 60:10.

Future Prosperity of the Jewish Church

1003. Isaías 60:19.

The Church’s Prosperity

1004. Isaías 61:1.

Christ’s Commission

1005. Isaías 61:9.

Blessedness of the Lord’s People

1006. Isaías 61:10.

The Believer clad with the Garments of Salvation

1007. Isaías 61:11.

The Conversion of the World promised

1008. Isaías 62:3.

The Church a Royal Diadem

1009. Isaías 62:5.

God’s Delight in his People

1010. Isaías 62:6.

Duty of interceding for the Church

1011. Isaías 62:10.

Restoration of the Jews

1012. Isaías 63:1.

Messiah’s Triumphs

1013. Isaías 63:7.

The Loving-kindness of the Lord

1014. Isaías 63:8; Isaías 63:10.

Vexing the Holy Spirit

1015. Isaías 63:9.

The Love of God towards his People

1016. Isaías 63:11.

God contemplated

1017. Isaías 63:15.

Pleading with God

1018. Isaías 64:6.

Imperfection of our best Services

1019. Isaías 64:7.

The Consequences of neglecting Prayer

1020. Isaías 65:12.

Danger of disregarding God

1021. Isaías 65:17.

The new Heavens and the new Earth

1022. Isaías 65:24.

The Efficacy of Prayer

1023. Isaías 66:2.

The Poor and Contrite the Objecte of God’s Favour

1024. Isaías 66:10.

God delights to comfort his People

1025. Isaías 66:18.

The Jews to convert the Gentiles